11/08/05 I'm Alive!

Hello people!

I know I haven't updated for AGES. That's mainly because I've had assessments and my trial exams have just started, so I've been extremely busy with school lately. But I'm taking the time now to at least make an update with some content involved. I hope by tonight I can get something up, but if not it'll have to be tomorrow.

Okay well I'll get to it!

Take Care!

~ The Magnificent Medina

12/08/05 Update!

Hey, I know you've been waiting for this. A long awaited update. I hoped I could put some more content into it, but what I have doen so far will have to do till I get some more time, okay?

Well first things first...I was 3 months behind with my Updates & Messages Archive O_o so I have updated that section with the May - July 05 entries.

And what more, I have finally put up Stage 17 in The Gallery awaiting your captions! I've been meaning to put it up for ages, so I finally got it up today. Enjoy!

Unfortunately that's all I have time for.

Take Care!

~ The Magnificent Medina

18/08/05 Captions!

'Ello people!

Yay a more frequent update! Well you can thank great-sayia-girl-breif who was kind enough to send me some captions for Stage 3 and Stage 8. Thank you! And hope you guys enjoy.

Unfortunately I still have exams at the moment, but I've gotten through most of them! I've done 4 so far, so only 2 more to go! But then I have to finish up work on the short film I made for my major work. IT'S BEAUTIFUL! T_T XD


Anyways, but after that I will have a bit more time on my hands to get more done for the site, and hopefully another feature film since I have my hands on a digital camera again O_o ...ehehehehehehe XD

And also in news, I'm going to cosplay for the first time ever at Animania Sydney and maybe even Supanova! Unless they accept my volunteer application to work a Supanova of course. MADMAN THEATRE!! XD W00T!


Oh who am I cosplaying as? Well no one from DBZ unfortunately. But I will be cosplaying aaaaaas...


Don't know what Ritsu looks like? Here's a few pics!


Yup, so if you're somehow at Animania Sydney and see a person dressed like that, it's most probably ME! So come over and say hello!

Also my brother is going to Supanova as Dr Evil from Austin Powers...


~ The Magnificent Medina

19/08/05 Slogans!

Yes! That's right, there are still more slogans out there in this world to put up for P.Z. Commercial. We'll be playing that game for the rest of our freakin' lives, and I've done all the hard work for you. Awesome XD

Also to report, wonderful captions for Stage 17  have been submitted by the #1 slogan submitter for The Gallery, Takhian! W00t! Love ya Tic Tak, you rawk. Lol.  So check them out too while your in The Perverted Zone.

I seem happier don't I? Well that's cause I am! There are some things to be happy about, and probably one of the biggest is TRIAL EXAMS ARE OVER! Mwahahaha!!

Yuss...I still have my reflection statement and to tidy up my script though, but for now I'm going to relax and make you this update. Hope you like it, and the day directly after the last! Woohoo!

I think I'm going a little high...well I'll go put it to good use and make up some captions too.


~ The Magnificent Medina


The Updates & Messages Archive