02/03/04 *Blinks*


< ahem >

Uh, hello peoples. New month. March to be exact. And that means to move the February update messages to The Updates & Messages Archive! 

Notice I kept one of the February messages here because some of you may not have seen it yet. But yeah. 

Along with the February section, I have also added a crap load of slogans for P.Z Commercial that I hope you'll all enjoy = )

But that's all for the time being. For it being Assessment Week and all in school. Sorry about that. It's a busy part of the year! It's a busy year! But I'm updating SOMETHING, so you got to give me SOME credit here! 

...please? lol

Okay, well hopefully I'll get this update up today. For now, I'm off to do homework.

Take Care,

~ The Magnificent Medina

08/03/04 Should Update

Hey people...sorry about not updating for a bit. I was planning to since the 2nd as you can see if you look down, but I didn't get a chance to. Hopefully either today or tomorrow I'll get this up so you can see.

Well, not much more input but more great slogans for P.Z Commercial that I hope you'll like.

Haven't had time to do much else since we're still finishing up our assessments and stuff at school. So I was busy studying and all that. Practicing for my Drama assessment and all that too...*sigh*...I can't wait for holidays again. I just feel like sleeping XD

...and sex...can't forget about the sex...

Lol! I'm joking people! I'm joking! Which I'm sort of glad, because the closest thing to it would be raping a Trunks poster, but yeah, what fan girl HASN'T done that yet?


< ahem >

As you might guess I was joking about the poster thing too...but if my friends get me that cardboard cut out of him like they said they would get me, then MAYBE I'll think about it...I'm in a perverted mood, can ya tell? XD And I'm listening to Lifehouse and that's weird because that's for non perverted moods...oh well, WHO CARES?! MOOHOOWHAHAHA!!

< AHEM >

Gawd...stop it Medina, before you start freaking people out...oh wait...It might be too late! Oh well...no reason to stop then...I always feel like this after English Extension...

Hey, you know what? Forget this for now. I'm going to go think of sex sa'more ; P

Ooooo lookie...a Trunks poster...heh heh heh...


~ The Magnificent Medina

10/03/04 Still Haven't Updated!

Sorry people! I've been meaning to update, but I keep forgetting to! I will really REALLY try to get the stuff up today, including...CAPTIONS FOR Stage 5 of The Gallery MOOHOOWHAHAHA!! Takhian, I love you! You always come through for me when I need you! I will update your captions up there as soon as I can. Hopefully today!

You are so awesome...I should make you something. THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!! My hero for my captions! I really REALLY appreciate it! Really, I do *nods*

Okay well that is it from me for now. Hopefully I'll update it so you can see this stuff.

~ The Magnificent Medina

13/03/04 Stage 6

Hey people!

I have decided to open Stage 6 even though I would like some more slogans for Stage 5 too. 

Okay, now if you're wondering about P.Z Edu-ma-cation I am still going to put it up some time, but I haven't had much time to work on it, and I have big plans for this section. So bear with me please. I hope it'll be worth it. It's going to be big, and I'm not putting it up until ALL of it is done. I have been working on the Art and Health section, and I've got a fair idea what I want in the other sections, I just need more time to work on it, okay with you guys?

And members of my messageboard...or future members *hint hint* there are some threads around the board I am using to gather stuff for P.Z Edu-ma-cation so if you help me out with them it'd be greatly GREATLY appreciated!

Okay, well that's about it for today...so bye for now!

~ The Magnificent Medina

16/03/04 Hopefully Updating

Okay people, I have been meaning to update for a couple of days now but I keep forgetting! Arrgh...I'm going to try today to get all the stuff up, plus some more wonderful P.Z Commercial slogans for you to check out. 

You know...I would really like some CAPTIONS...hint hint...


< ahem >


~ The Magnificent Medina

28/03/04 Daylight Savings

Hello peoples!

I know, I haven't updated for a bit. Stupid assignments...but now that I've done so many...I feel a creative spurt coming this way dudes! Man...I haven't written much creative stuff for yonks...I miss it T.T

Well I just finished putting up some more slogans for P.Z Commercial I hope you'll enjoy...a couple amusing ones in there that I really liked XD

Oh, and today I also got an image from T0RQUE from Gaia Online ^^

Check it out!

Oh! And I also updated the secret area ^^

Okay, well that's it from me really...haven't had much time to do anything else.

Take care and hopefully soon I'll have more stuff!

~ The Magnificent Medina

30/03/04 Prospects of Updating

Hey people! Hopefully today I will update what I've done so far. If I don't...THEN I'M REALLY SORRY!!

< ahem >

So...erm, yeah. 

I have added some more of my captions to the pictures in Stage 1 so feel free to check them out too ^^

Also, I realised I forgot to state here that I have changed the theme AGAIN for Forgotten Entity to much excitement of members...Kyofu especially. It looks awesome in my opinion and if you've seen in previous themes, that the blue buttons never really change...well...THEY HAVE NOW! Thanks to my wonderful handyman, Apophis, we have GREEN BUTTONS!! MOOHOOWHAHAHA!!

< ahem >

Well that's it from me. I'll try and make sure I update today.

~ The Magnificent Medina


Updates & Messages Archive