Oh dear Kami! When will it end?!

Welcome to my Random Rambles!

As you can see, I have made a new page for my Documented Rambling since there is always a possibility there will be more than one!

Thank you to all those people who told me how much they loved my rambling
*sniff* You accept me for the freak I am! You love me for the freak I am! 

Well, I know you've all been waiting patiently for me to continue my original Documented Rambling I'm trying my hardest to write some more material for it, but I want at least a couple of pages until I update it again.

But don't despair! I started another during my trials week out of sheer utter boredom! You see, I was sitting at the desk after finishing yet another of my tests...quite early mind you...and I started to talk to myself in my mind...like I usually do... when I noticed I had a piece of paper! Well, I grinned evilly and snatched that paper, grabbed my pen, and documented that little convo in my mind and decided to post it for your viewing pleasure ^_^

As like my original, I will ALSO be continuing this one so there will be DOUBLE the insanity!




 Documented Rambling (The Original & The Best) 

 Even More Documented Rambling 

And now introducing: Rambling Via MSN! 

 *New!*      MSN Ramblings Volume 1      *New!* 


The Bright Side Intersection