08/04/04 Interview 3 CONTINUED!

Oh my god peoples! I HAVE FINALLY STARTED DOING SOME CREATIVE STUFF FOR THE SITE! My god...my school holidays are just about to start! And to celebrate, I have continued Interview 3: Get Baldy! 

Yay! Cool huh? Not just finished yet, but it will be soon ^^ I'm just a little tired tonight because my brains been a buzzin' with so many ideas and stuff! It's like as soon as that school bell rang to go home, my creative side just kicked it up a notch. I have also been working on P.Z. Edu-ma-cation, but still like I said before, there's going to be ALOT of stuff!

I hope I can get alot of new stuff done...I just have to work around when I go away in a couple of days, 2 books I have to read for English assignments (hey...price you pay for doing 3 units), and learning my lines for the school play Highland Fling. Gawd...Just thinking about it gives me a headache...

Oh yeah, and I also added another bunch of slogans for you guys for P.Z Commercial. Hope you enjoy those too!

Okay...my head hurts...I think I'm going to lie down and sleep, sleep, sleep...soooo tired...just wanna sleep. My mind's working a mile a minute...I'm kinda feeling dizzy.

Oh yeah and I have to update the Updates & Messages Archive...

Okay, well take care!

~ The Magnificent Medina

21/04/04 I'M BACK!

< ahem >

Hey peoples! Well I've been busy fixing up some stuff around the site, like The Updates & Messages Archive. I put the March section in there. I also added those two image pressie things I got from Jessica and T0RQUE into the About Me section of The Dark Side so you can all have a look ^^ THANKS YOU TWO!!

And like always another bunch of slogans for P.Z Commercial and I added a link in the Links section. Also I edited that section to make it that when you click on a link it'll open in a new window for you, so I hope that makes it alot easier ^^

Well that's all for today!

~ The Magnificent Medina

22/04/04 Crazy Crushes

Hey people! You saw right! I've been updating the My Crazy Crushes section! I'm adding two new crushes and have updated the Crush Statuses and dates in the existing ones! 

I can't believe there are people out there that actually took the time to read them XD And even asked me when I'm going to update them! Lol. 

I also thought I'd let you know that the site will be moving in the near future, but I will still have the index at Tripod up, but acting as a redirecting page. Possibly with a Flash entry thingy ^^ It'll be a bit cheaper for me since I'm paying for no adds in Tripod, but I have a new server that already has no adds and better counter facilities ^^ So be aware of that. It'll be a BIG move of stuff since my site is about 14 MB and growing! 

Well I better get back to it.

Take care!

~ The Magnificent Medina

25/04/04 Anzac Day

Hey peoples! It's a wonderful bright and sunny Anzac Day, and what better what to spend it is by putting the finishing touches on a brand new feature film ^^

YES! You heard right! I have made a brand new feature film and am currently getting it ready for you to view in The Theatre! Cool huh?

Hopefully it should be ready soon. Most likely in the next couple of days, so I hope you enjoy it and are looking forward to seeing it ^^

Okay well I better get to it!

~ The Magnificent Medina


The Updates & Messages Archive