No more! NO MORE!!!


06/09/03 Rambling Slightly Continued

Hello people! Well, I have just finished the bulk of my assignments and my mind I'm getting back into the thought of possible features that could grace my beautiful website. Unfortunately, I still have 2 more assignments and a shit load of tests in the comming weeks...trails...half yearly's...assessments...GAAAAAH!!! NO! NO MORE!! NOOOOOO!!!

< ahem >

Sorry about that. Well I added a little more to page 7 of my Documented Rambling, so I hope you enjoy :D (about time I know)
Oh and thanks to the people who've emailed me about what they thought about my site! Thank you! And for who said that this glorious shrine was their favourite site on the whole web, awww shucks! Thank you so much!

And c'mon people! I know ya wanna join my messageboard! Don't be shy! I love more members! I even help you with finding avatars, and if you're really good...I might show you my private stash of cool Trunks avatars. Hehehe.

Okay, well that's about it for today. I'll see if I could put at least SOME content into this update.

~ The Magnificent Medina

12/09/03 New Banner!

Hello hello! How do you all like the funky new banner on the main page? I've been meaning to make a banner, and now I finally have. Cool eh? Well it is for someone who doesn't have any of those programs like Photoshop and whatever. So nyah!

I also took off those Dark Side/Good Side wordy things...I didn't really like ' back to text hyperlinks. Hehehe.

Okay, not much content wise. You see, my trials are in 3 days...*sob* and I've been busy studying...working on stuff for my messageboard...which needs more members by the way...making avatars for myself...the banner...blah blah yeah. I've been pretty busy. Oh yeah, and the injection I got yesterday didn't help much arm kills.

I'm going to be working on another interview though. Involving one of you wonderful people ^_^ This is going to be interesting. But I don't know when it'll be finished since I have all this work...but I'll have holidays in 2 weeks! 


< ahem >

Okay, well that's all for today! Take care :D

~ The Magnificent Medina

14/09/03 Perverted Thinking

Hello there! Hehehe...oh man, I've just had a rush of perverted ideas to put on the website...two fanfics I'm thinking of writing in know how I made that bizarre and disturbing Cell/Yamucha pairing in my Feature Films...well...I have a desire to write a fanfic about these two. this is going to be so fun. Show you all how psychotic I can be, ne? Oh god I'm sick.


The other fanfic I'm thinking of doing may be a fanfic inspired by that weird song "Stacy's Mom" but with my own DBZ twist on it. I'm thinking about changing the lyrics and whatever. The title will be "Bulma's Mom" 
Think you can gather what it's going to be about? :P

Okay, well no content today I'm sorry. Have to go study for my tests tomorrow -_-;;
(Stole that smiley from my buddy Demion. But he stole Pshh, so he can rot in hell :P Nah kidding. The dumbass knows I kid. I kid because I love! Lol)

Okay, well that's all from me today!

~ The Magnificent Medina

16/09/03 Random Rambling

Hello hello! You know I said had those fanfic ideas and stuff...well...not quite now since I've started another Documented Ramble...reason why? Dunno...just felt like it. Lol. I've also got some more ideas for my original Documented Rambling, so don't worry. I'm not abandoning that one. It's the foundation of my website :D I wouldn't have made this wonderful website if I didn't make my Documented Rambling. I wanted a place to post it, so made a website to put it on! Who knew it'd turn out to be so damn fine! Lol. And still heaps of stuff is coming...well eventually *nervous laugh*

Well I've done my Maths, Computing Studies and Food Tech tests today. I think I did pretty okay...especially in Maths and Food Tech. Mwahahaha!! I still got a couple more to go unfortunately, but next week is the last week of school for me! WOOOOOOOOO!!!

< ahem >

But it's only for 2 weeks...oh well. Then straight back in to more tests...*rolls eyes*
Oh joy. Okay, well that's my little update for today. Not much input I know. Sorry bout that. I hope to have something soon though. Promise! No wait...maybe I shouldn't...oh well to late now, eh? *nervous laugh*

Okay, well that's it from me today! I'm rambling here...but it's what I do best! Made it into an art form I have! Hehehe...OKAY! I'm going! Jeez...Oh yeah! And I updated The List in P.Z Commercial! Enjoy!

~ The Magnificent Medina  

19/09/03 The Gallery

Hello! And a special hello to ghoststorm! Thank you very much for your captions! The ones for Picture 3 in Stage 1 are so funny!

Okay, I've updated The Gallery and added some of ghoststorm's captions! The ones that don't have captions may have them prepared, but I'm only putting them up when I get more...hint hint! Lol.

So keep sending me those captions! I'd really appreciate it! ^_^

~ The Magnificent Medina 

24/09/03 Content!

Mwahaha!! Content! Content!! *dances around happily* Hope you all appreciate the work I've put into this update! Now...some of the stuff you will see now is all in The Bright Side. First off, I fixed the little glitch on one of the pages, so it's smooth sailing...but the main thing is I added another Documented Rambling! *gasp* hehehe...I also made a section for it, so you get to them through the link called Random Rambling. ^_^

I've also been a busy beaver working on my 3rd interview...I'm not that much far into it, but that's because I suppose it'll be longer than the other two. 

Oh yes. Soon, I will be going on a sleepover at a friends place, but I will be bringing my DBZ figures with me in hopes we could devise a feature film or two. Hehehe. I hope so. See! I think of you guys all the time! I're thinking "Jeez...Medina has no life." Well you know what I have to say to that?! THAT'S THE MAGNIFICENT MEDINA TO YOU! 

< ahem >

Okay, well that's all for me. I'm feeling pretty out of it at the moment.

~ The Magnificent Medina  

26/09/03 Holidays!

Hello everyone! I'm in such a fine mood today! Why? Holidays, silly! may only be 2 weeks, but it's better than nothing, eh? ^_^

Well I've just added the August 2003 section to the Updates Archive today. So if you feel like taking another look or whatever at any updates messages you've missed, feel free to check it out. Now, I'm going to continue with my 3rd interview for my Interviews section of The Bright Side. I hope to have it finished as soon as possible. 

Okay, I hope to actually upload the site today as well with all the new stuff you've been waiting for that I've talked about below. And hopefully I'll have some more new stuff to put up as well. Heh. This is great, doing what I love. MOOHOOWHAHAHA!!

~ The Magnificent Medina 

27/09/03 Uh oh...

*Laughs nervously* Hey...I realised last night after I updated, I didn't update The Bright Side Intersection so...the Random Rambling section was about that. Well I'll try and update it today if I have time. I also updated and organised the Links section into some sort of order...uh heh...and I added a link to Forgotten Entity (My messageboard)...*CjOoUiGnH* *COiUGtH*

Oh yeah! And have you noticed, no adds?? ^.^ Yeah...cost me 55 bucks since I went halves with my dad...but it was okay...hehehe...looks like my website's pretty popular, since with that upgrade, I know how many hits I get on my site without having to put a crappy counter. MOOHOOWHAHAHA!!

I also get a blog with it too...not sure if I'll actually use it though, since I already got one...It's actually Demion's but I keep it worth reading. Lol. Nah. He's busy.


As for me...I'M ON HOLIDAYS!! Well deserved mind you :P

Oh yeah! And I fixed picture 3 in Stage 3 of The Gallery

Okay, that's it from me today!

~The Magnificent Medina  


The Updates & Messages Archive