More? Uh heh...I don't know how much more we can take...


08/06/03 Links Fixed

Hello everyone! I know, I know. I haven't updated in a while. I keep meaning to but I keep forgetting, or dad shuts down the net before I can update. I have noticed that some of my links to the new features aren't working as they should be so when I update it should all be working and letting you in places like my Fanfiction page which people told me they had trouble getting to, and the Perverted Zone

I'm also thinking about putting up the Fan Art section in The Dark Side even though the talented artist Ruby, has only sent me one piece of her work as of this moment. But more will be coming! Don't worry!

Oh and I hope you find it more convenient with the macro I put on the homepage telling you of when the site was last updated so you know when to look for new stuff.

Okay, well I gtg now!

~ The Magnificent Medina

25/06/03 I'm Baaaaack!

Hello everyone! I HAVE updated recently, just not my updates section.

I've been swamped with assignments lately, but finally I'm free! FREE!!!! MOOHOOWHAHAHA!! 

I have recently fixed the links on My Crazy Crushes since I heard they weren't working. I also updated the list in P.Z Commercial. I need more people! I am also currently looking for more entries for my caption thing in The Gallery. Please people! I need more!

Thanks again to my friend Ruby for sending me her great fanart. You're really talented and I'm looking forward to more soon! 

I have also recently updated my Interviews adding my second one with the mighty Vegeta! Hope you enjoy! My Chibi Trunks and Goten interview should be up soon...I also am thinking of making a fanfic referring to it. I can't wait till it's finished!

Okay, well that's it for today!

~ The Magnificent Medina  

27/06/03 New Fanfic In The Making!

Hello there! I have started writing a new fanfic! I have posted up what I've done so far in the About Future Trunks section! I decided not to write a Interview with the chibi's but to go straight into a story. I might do an interview later, but maybe not.

Okay, it's only a short update today.


~ The Magnificent Medina


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