MORE?! She's STILL writing these?!


04/05/03 A Month Later...

Hey everybody! I know, I know. I haven't updated in nearly a month! I'm sorry about that. I've just been really busy with school and my new fanfic's I'm writing. I will be posting them in the Future Trunks section of the Dark Side. I only have one ready as of now so bear with me. I hope you like it! I put a lot of work into it.

About The Perverted Zone, that won't be ready for a while. It's a whole new section like The Dark Side and The Bright Side, but it's more interactive. There will be quite a few features including a gallery but with a twist.

Farwell for now!

~ The Magnificent Medina 

08/05/03 Fanfiction

Hello pplz! Just when you thought I would never update the About Future Trunks section, I make into a place for my Fanfiction! I bet none of you saw that coming now did ya? 

It only has one fanfic in there so far but there will be more on the way! Just bear with me.

I would love to hear what you think of it, so please email me with your comments!

Until next time,

~ The Magnificent Medina

17/05/03 Perverted Zone NOW OPEN!

Hello everyone! I'm am happy to let you know I've decided to open The Perverted Zone. There isn't much as of now, but there will be more coming soon, I assure you. I have moved the DBZ Feature Films into the P.Z because my films will be of the perverted nature.

In it's place over in The Bright Side Intersection, I have put The Magnificent Medina's Magnificent Interviews! Many of the things mentioned in the interviews will be referred to activities that have happened in my Documented Rambling, so make sure you have read my rambling before you read the interviews. I have completed one, but more will be on it's way shortly. I promise.

Till next time!

~ The Magnificent Medina 

26/05/03 Fan Art

Hello people! I received an email yesterday where the person asked me if I would make a Fan Art section on the site and if I was interested in displaying some of her work. 

I thought this was a great idea so TAH-DAH! I made the section in a matter of moments waiting for all your lovely fan art! So if you are looking for somewhere to post your fan art, email me! I'd be happy to comply.

Once she sends me her fan art, I'll get the section up and ready for viewing...and who knows...maybe I'll enter some of mine! Lol. If I can find them that is. Surprisingly I have none of Trunks. I just don't want to ruin perfection. Lol. I need to find that Krillin one I drew AGES ago...before I got into DBZ! It was sort of a joke on him. Lol. I just have to find it...

Okay, well that's it for today!

~ The Magnificent Medina

29/05/03 The Magnificent Medina's Magnificent Birthday!

G'day mate! It's my birthday! Yeah! 

Well I got close to what I really REALLY wanted for my birthday, which was Trunks wrapped in ribbons, thanks to Trunks Masaki a.k.a Future Trunks who jumped out of a cake for me with a bow on his head. Hehehe. Thanks Kris. He got his reward. No sweat. ; D

Okay, well I might put something up to celebrate my b'day, but I don't know if I can anytime soon since I'm swamped with work. Darn History.

Okay, well I better gooooooooooo

~ The Magnificent Medina


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