03/03/05 Stage 14 OPENED!

Hey people! Thanks to my awesome friend Trombone Freak for submitting her captions, I can open Stage 14  = D

I'm soooo happy! T-T I love The Gallery so much. Keep them coming!

I would also like to wish Katrina a happy birthday! LOVE YOU KAT!

~ The Magnificent Medina

06/03/05 New Quizzes!

Hey people! I have just added a couple more quizzes from The Future with Trunks series into Quirky Quizzes!

Hope you enjoy them, and hopefully I can update these changes today. Just my internet connection has changed and I have to install the program that I use to upload onto my computer, so I can update again.

Well Take Care!

~ The Magnificent Medina

23/03/05 Stage 14

Hey people! Sorry I haven't been able to update in so long! I was busy with exams, and I'm actually supposed to be doing a speech right now XD

So um, yeah XD. But I have taken to time to add some captions into Stage 14 and a new link button to me in my Links section. Enjoy!

~ The Magnificent Medina


Hey people! Just want to wish you all a great Easter and such

To compensate for my long absence earlier, and the fact I got some more captions, I have opened Stage 15 of The Gallery ^^

Exciting? It is dammit! And it better make you want to send in captions cause I wuv's it if you do!

Okay well I hope this holiday season is good and all that stuff XD

Take Care

~ The Magnificent Medina


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