04/11/05 November?! Where did October go?!

Wow, I didn't think it'd be almost TWO months I haven't updated this thing! I guess that's just how busy I've been.

Well, as you now know, I'm still alive, but I'm surprised I'm not brain dead already. You see, during October up till know I've been doing and am STILL doing my HSC exams. Wow...now I think about it, I HAVE been busy o_O I even had an exam today! But thankfully my last exam of my high school life is soon approaching. Yes. On the 9th, I will have totally and utterly completed every one of my HSC examinations. My god it's going to feel so good.

So other than study and exams, I haven't had time for much else. However I did go to Animania (DRESSED AS RITSU SOHMA) and volunteered at Supanova which was freaking awesome! I'm definitely going to volunteer next year! There was so much awesome stuff AND I met Sonny Strait! VOICE ACTOR FOR KRILLIN! I got his autograph like I got Eric Vale's, but Sonny actually drew a picture of Krillin for me as well! XD I have to scan it and show you all!

I'll also put up some cool pictures too once I edit them all, and also of my cosplay too! So look forward to that.

But don't fret! I have put aside some things to put up for you today! Firstly some new art in the Fan Art section! Awesome fan art! Keep it coming! And I also will update The Updates & Messages Archive too, since that should be updated too I guess. Okay well I'll get to it since you guys have been waiting for so long.

Sorry and I hope to update more frequently! Possibly more feature films when I have more time to spare.

Take Care!

~ The Magnificent Medina


Oh. My. God. So many captions...awesome, wonderful captions which I have just spent an hour adding to every stage of The Gallery.


She spent over an HOUR coming up with captions for just about EVERY PICTURE in The Perverted Zone's gallery! Such dedication! I'll have to give her an award or something! So thank you so much, great-saiya-girl-brief for your captions! I loved them and I hope everyone else who looks at and loves that section will too! Such an outstanding submission has made me so happy! T.T

So please go check out the new captions and feel very free to submit more! I will also have to put up Stage 18 shortly!


~ The Magnificent Medina

13/11/05 Fan Art

I definitely HAVE to give great-saiya-girl-brief an award now because she has just submitted a wonderful exclusive piece of fan art for Trunks0bsessed's Domain which is hosted with all your other lovely artworks in the Fan Art section of The Dark Side. Thank you so much for your awesome submissions! I love them!

Also I must mention, that soon I plan to update my Links section with some new links, as well as replacing some of the broken or no longer existent ones. Including great-saiya-girl-brief's website and some others I have found. When I get around to it, I may even check to see if there are any more continuations of the Trunks quizzes in the Quirky Quizzes section too. That will involve ALOT of linking and I should probably check those too to make sure they are all working for you. So if any of you manage to catch a broken link, please drop me an email.

Well that's all for today!

Take Care!

~ The Magnificent Medina


The Updates & Messages Archive