02/06/05 Long Time No Update

I know I know...I haven't updated in AGES. I'm still alive though! Just really really busy with school work, tests and assignments and also my Birthday which was on the 29th of May.

I don't have much ready to update today, but hopefully tomorrow I can get some new stuff up like the captions for Stage 16 I had received a long while ago, but was too busy to fix up. I also need to make a Stage 17 now it seems! I'll also have another link, and maybe I could come up with something else to update. Sorry about the big hold up! I hope it won't happen too often. But there are worse webmasters/mistress' than me that don't update after a LONGER period of time. 

So hopefully tomorrow I can get the site updated. 

Take Care!

~ The Magnificent Medina

03/06/05 Stage 16 Captions

Hey people!

I've just added the new captions to Stage 16 so you can check them out now. Hopefully I can upload it all tonight. I know you've been waiting ages for an update. 

Anyways, I'm not sure when I can do much more than that, since I still have 2 assignments left, and I am also way behind on my major work...x_X...damn. I really need to catch up. 

*sigh* so yeah, that means I still won't have much time, but as soon as it's over, I will hopefully have lots more time and lots more updates happening!

Take Care!

~ The Magnificent Medina

21/06/05 New Fan Art!

Hey people, sorry for the lack of updates. I've just been really busy with school. It's my final year and its getting hectic around this time. But I have managed to take some time out to put up the new wonderful fan art from Nimbus which you can see now in the Fan Art section. Check it out, it's awesome, just like the rest of her art!

Well that's all I have time for today!

Take Care!

~ The Magnificent Medina


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