10/05/04 Official Message

Hey! I know I haven't written a message to say I've updated. So yeah. But now I am. Okay so here's what's happened.

I've put up the new feature film, but the pics don't seem to work. I'm trying to fix the links and hopefully it will work soon. I've put a lot of work into it! Grrr...

This is a pretty rushed update too so I'll explain more detail what I've done next update. All you need to know right now is there are new captions and other things...so look around

~ The Magnificent Medina

15/05/04 Happy Birthday Maggie!

Hey people. I've been really REALLY busy these past few days with school work and stuff, and I've been really stressed out lately. That last update was pretty rushed as you might have noticed, but I forced myself to make what little time I had to myself to put up those WONDERFUL AND MOST APPRECIATED CAPTIONS from mochichan ^^

Thank you again for sending me those great captions for The Gallery mochichan! I loved them and I just HAD to put them up straight away! I hope to get more from you if possible ^^

And that goes for all of you people out there! If you think of a caption for any of the pictures and stages of The Gallery please, SEND THEM TO ME! They really make my day much happier ^^

Okay, now if you've noticed the pics in the new DBZ Feature Film in The Theatre aren't working, I have been working hard on trying to get them to work. Hopefully this time when I update I've fixed the problem, because it's really REALLY annoying my already stressed out brain! I've done so many things to try and fix them without having to move them in the time I have, and they haven't worked. SO I've moved them and they better work now or I'm going to be pissed...

Also, I'm still working on the My Crazy Crushes section, updating and adding and stuff. But hopefully it won't be much longer till I can update it so you can see. Also I'm afraid the P.Z. Edu-ma-cation section has to take a back seat right now. It's really hard to find the time work on it.

Okay well I'll have to update the Updates & Messages Archive so I'll go get to it.

Take care!

~ The Magnificent Medina

22/05/04 Site Relocation

Hey people! I hope the relocating of the site hasn't caused any problems. But now it's on a better server with more space so I can add more stuff than I could with Tripod!

You may have noticed the new flash redirector thingy on Tripod. That will only be TEMPORARY

Soon I'll be getting rid of Tripod all together so can I ask anyone who has bookmarked or links to my site on Tripod, to please change them to the new homepage http://www.stuhasic.com/medina so you won't lose the site when I take down the Tripod redirector. I'll put a little note there to to change your links on the Tripod page too.

Okay, now back to business. I have added a bunch of slogans in P.Z Commercial. So you can go check those out.

Also after the move, I was hoping that the pictures for the feature film would work, BUT THEY DON'T! *cries* It's not faaaaaair!! I'll have to keep trying to fix it.

Also I guess it's the same old story about not much content going up. Too much school work. Getting all my Semester 1 assessment tasks...blah.

Oh! And another thing! It's my B'day in exactly a week! Cool huh? I'll be turning 16, and it'll be the second birthday I've had since I opened my site ^^

Oh yes, and I'll also be adding a link too soon in the Links section, so look out for that!

Take care!

~ The Magnificent Medina

27/05/04 Black & Blue

Hey peoples! I have just finished giving Forgotten Entity an awesome makeover! Feast your eyes at the blue and black theme! That also means, The Secret Area of my site has had a few added screen caps of the previous theme of Forgotten Entity. The Green theme! So if you miss it, or forgot what it looks like, or didn't get a chance to see it, you can check out that part of the site (If you know where to find it that is = P ) and relive the moments with my crappy quality screen caps XD. I wish I could get better quality in JPG, but oh well...

Also I have added a new fan art by Miroku in the Fan Art section, so feel free to check that out too!

Take care

~ The Magnificent Medina

29/05/04 My Birthday!

MOOHOOWHAHAHAAHA!! I have turned 16! Wheeeeee! I've even taken the liberty of taking a screen cap from the VDA Boards showing so! 

bday.jpg (72138 bytes)

See? SEE?!

< ahem >

And to celebrate, I'm updating my site. Uploading the stuff I mentioned below ^^

~ The Magnificent Medina


The Updates & Messages Archive