03/11/04 Miss Me?

Hello people. Long time no update, ne? I'm sorry about that but I've been really busy with work and such now. So much I've kinda been having a kind of fatigue this past week. Like right now. It's actually quite uncomfortable to type for some reason. I don't like that feeling. Well I do have some content for you though! So hopefully that's okay. Not alot though, but it's something!

First things first. I have added The Blue Theme screencaps of the last theme in Forgotten Entity, which if you take a look has a new theme up now replacing that one. 

I have also added a bunch of slogans to P.Z Commercial too. So enjoy that.

Okay, well I'm really REALLY tired now, so I think I'll leave it there. And my hand is shaking o.O

Take Care!

~ The Magnificent Medina

16/11/04 Finally Updating!

Hey people. I know I haven't had time lately to update with my school stuff and Work Placement this week..and on top of THAT I have the flu! T_T waaaaaah!! It's awful and I hate it! I hate being sick! 

But yeah. I've put up a couple more quizzes in the Quirky Quizzes section. I also have added some more captions to Stage 8 and Stage 9 too. So go check those out too ^^

I would love some more captions please! COME ON!! WE'RE NEARLY TO STAGE 10!!!

< ahem >

Yeah. So that would be appreciated.

Okay well I must rest now. All work and no play make Meddie a dull girl. How true that is...

~ The Magnificent Medina

20/11/04 Just A Quick One

Hey, just a quick update today. I have just added a new link in The Bright Side. So go ahead and check that out if you'd like!

Hopefully there will be more stuff coming soon. But for now you'll just have to wait, I suppose. 

Take Care!

~ The Magnificent Medina

26/11/04 Uploading! I Promise!

Hey people. I'm not sure how long it's been since I uploaded my last updates, so you may not have seen a couple of the messages below, but yeah. I plan to upload today!

I have just added some more slogans (Haha. Just when you think I couldn't find anymore that I haven't put up) in P.Z. Commercial ^^

So yeah. Check those out and the things mentioned below!

Take Care!

~ The Magnificent Medina

30/11/04 Stage 10!

That's RIGHT! Stage 10 is up! ^______^

And you know what that means! It means I would love lots of lovely captions from you all! And if you take a look now, I won't really need all that many till I deem it sufficient for me to open Stage 11. And believe me. It's all ready to go. I just need your captions and you'll see it up in no time at all!

I have also added some more captions to Stage 9 from yours truly.

Oh yeah, and if you've noticed that the older updates from this page have been removed, you can find them in the October 2004 and the November 2004 sections in The Updates & Messages Archive.

Okay well that's it from me for today!

Take Care!

~ The Magnificent Medina


The Updates & Messages Archive