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Harry Potter and the Mysterious Gift


Harry woke up with a sudden jolt. The window was still shattered from the Quidditch game the day before. Harry was just back from school holidays. He had stayed with his Aunt Petunia and Uncle Vernon. Torture! That is what it was like living with his aunt and uncle. They had a chubby son called Dudley who would try hurting Harry at every possible moment when he was not eating.

Ron, Harry’s best friend, slept in the bed next to him in Gryffindor Tower. Ron woke up a couple of minutes later to see that Harry was up and awake. Ron crept out of his bed and tiptoed across the slippery floorboards. Then Ron whispered to Harry, “Harry, are you all right? Something seems wrong?!”

“Well I had one of those dreams again….”

“You mean the one where….”

“YES! I mean yes. To tell you the truth I can’t remember.”  

At that moment Hermione woke up. She was also one of Harry’s closest friends. “Ahhhh! I hate it when you wake me up. Would you please consider the other people around you? For gods sake it is only two o ’clock in the morning!”

“Sorry Herms.”

“And would you please stop calling me that Ron!”

As Harry, Ron and the rest of Gryffindor tower walked down the staircase, they heard a lot of the usual mumbling and chattering of the early morning. Harry ran over to Hagrid, who by surprise was waiting impatiently outside of Professor Dumbledore’s office with a tiny, lumpy parcel. “Good morning Hagrid.” Ron and Harry greeted him cheerily.

“Oh, hello,” Hagrid answered back.

 It was too obvious that he was trying to hide something very important, for when Harry and Ron had made their way over to him, he had gone all funny and tried to hide the parcel in his large hands.

“We have to go. Bye,” Harry and Ron walked off with the same thought on their mind. What could that parcel have been?

The morning flew by nearly as fast as a wild cheetah. The first lesson that day was potions with Professor Slytherin. Harry couldn’t wait for that lesson to finish. When it did, he realised he had forgotten one of his books upstairs.

Harry arrived in his isolated room with only a couple of minutes to spare before his next class. He quickly found his books and just as he was about to leave, Hedwig, Harry’s owl flew in and dropped a letter onto his bed. Harry in surprise walked over to his bed and read the front of the letter. 

To: Harry Potter.

Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizard.

To Mr Harry Potter,

Did you receive the parcel I sent you? I do hope you like it for I didn’t know what to send you for your birthday.


 At the bottom of the piece of paper, the name of the sender was not written clearly so Harry had no clue who had written the letter. Harry was puzzled but VERY late for class so he folded the letter and shoved it in his pocket and raced to his class.

Later that afternoon at Quidditch practice, Harry could not concentrate properly. Even Oliver Wood, the captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, asked what was wrong with Harry. He didn’t want to tell Ron about the queer letter. He was still trying to work out what the parcel was.

The next day Harry woke up at three o ’clock because his scar was aching. He lay awake for several hours working out the possibilities. He ended up with one likely thought. He also couldn’t decide whether or not he should have told Ron. Finally, deciding he would, he told Ron first thing in the morning.

“Are you serious! What do you reckon it was?” Ron replied.

“Shhh! Keep your voice down or someone will hear us talking.”

“Okay, okay. Harry, I am going to guard you or someone might hurt my best friend!”

Ron did exactly what he had promised. All day, Ron was tailing behind Harry, mumbling something silly.

Harry had a funny feeling as if something bad was about to happen. Firstly, when he woke up he couldn’t find his favourite cloak that he wore every second day, so he had to wear an old tattered one that he found. Then, when he was walking downstairs for breakfast, he tripped over Draco Malfoy’s foot that had been placed there purposely. Harry was used to Draco being nasty, so it was like he wasn’t even there.

Harry researched in the library what supposedly Voldermort could have given him. Harry ended up with lots and lots of solutions but his strongest idea was the wishing mushroom that grows bigger with every wish until it finally pops and plants mushrooms all over your body.

A week passed and Harry lay awake every night because he thought something bad was going to happen. One night when Harry was lying on his bed, he must have fallen asleep without realising. It was like he was entering a different world. A lot of weird looking objects were talking to him, but it was as if as much as he wanted to, he couldn’t reply. He was falling down a long endless tunnel. Falling with a slow speed but not slow enough to examine everything. Suddenly, Harry landed with a great big THUD!!! All around him were shelves full of lots of fruit and vegetables. Every shelf was full of fruits and veggies except for one with the label, Mushrooms. Then a man about the height of Harry, appeared out of the corner of the room. Harry couldn’t quite tell who it was for they were wearing a long brown cloak with a droopy hood. The man placed his arm on Harry’s shoulder and started saying something to Harry.

“Harry,” someone whispered in his ear.

“Ahh,” Harry screamed. He opened his eyes and saw Dobby standing there.

“Ohh. Sorry to awaken you sir, but Dobby was getting worried that you didn’t like the present I bought you.”

“Was that you who got me a present?”

“Well yes sir. Dobby does remember wrapping the gift himself, although it might have been a dream? Anyway who did you think it was?”

“Well I thought it was Vol..I mean you know who. Hedwig must have dropped it on the way here with the letter you also sent. I received the letter but didn’t know who it was from because you mustn’t have written your name clearly on the letter.”

“Silly Dobby. Honestly sir, it was Dobby who gave you the present.!”

“The only thing wrong Dobby, is that Hagrid must have found the present on his way here because he gave it into Professor Dumbledore. What was it anyway?”

Harry Potter sir, it wasn’t that much but I managed to get you and your friend a ticket to the Quidditch Cup this year. They are the finest seats there are. Dobby wasn’t sure what to get you for your birthday but he remembered you liked Quidditch a lot!”

“Ohh Dobby that is wicked but I can not accept your gift. It is way too much!”

“Please sir? I went to so much trouble to get them. Accept them”

“Oh alright but just this once. We just have to figure out how to get the tickets back.”

Harry turned around and started to write something. When he turned back, Dobby was standing there grinning with his arms out with the two magnificent tickets in the palm of his hands.

“Here you go sir. All done,” Dobby handed over the tickets, “Dobby hopes you have fun at the game.”

“Thank you Dobby.”

At that moment Harry heard a whirling sound and Dobby quickly said, “It is time for Dobby to leave. Goodbye.”

“Bye Dobby! And thanks once again.”

Dobby was gone in the next few seconds. Even though Harry was happy he was going to see the Quidditch Cup, he was sad for Dobby to leave because Harry had grown fond of him.

Although the Quidditch Cup was in a year’s time, Harry was willing to wait the rest of his life!


Learning Process & Self Evaluation:
I chose this piece of work because:
  • I believe that my story is well written.
My effort for this task has been: Quality My best work Could do better
CommentI found my Harry Potter story not that easy to write because I had so many ideas pop into my head, that I couldn't decide which ideas I should eliminate.

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