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My Antarctic Model

In about week six of term one, both of the year six classes had to make a model of Antarctica. I decided to pair up with Elizabeth Popper. We had so many ideas but finally we decided what to make. 

We started off wanting to make a volcano blow up, but found it too complicated. So then we started building a big model of Mawson's hut. One week after starting that we had only just finished the base. We decided to stop and do something else. We had used one hundred paddle pop sticks just for the base and so they didn't go to waste, we had a great idea to re-use them. 

We painted the base all white and then made one-fifth of it blue so that part could be the sea. Before letting the paint dry, to save glue, we sprinkled tiny bits of foam on the base for a snow effect. I then made an iceberg and stuck it onto the river. Elizabeth was busy making some animals out of plasticine so I decided to make Mawson's hut. I used paddle pop sticks to make a frame. When everything had dried I placed cardboard around the sides.

Elizabeth brought in some doll clothes and we started to build Mawson. I made his face and then we stuck everything on his body and put his clothes on. While Elizabeth finished making penguins, a whale, and a seal, I created the effect of water shooting out from the whale's hole on his back. Mawson needed to be seen doing some kind of activity. Elizabeth and I made him a sledge being pulled along by two dogs. Both of us stuck on all of the objects together and started to apply all of the details. The effects that we made were things like stretching pieces of cotton throughout the snow area. Also to make the scene more lively, we added some white paint near the area of where the whale was placed to make a diving and splashing effect.

This job took us two to three weeks and when finally finished but not really satisfied, we decided to add something else because the model looked too plain. We thought, a volcano wouldn't be near a camping site so the only other option was a mountain range. I quickly took three foam cups and painted them brown, but still just one more thing was missing. Then Elizabeth had the idea of sticking cotton onto the top of each mountain so applied it to our finished model.

Everyday after finishing was everyone's worse nightmare. Especially the cleaners! There were bits of foam all over the classroom.

After working with a partner on such a big task, I found that it is much easier to work by yourself because you will have your own ideas and will work a lot harder!


Learning Process & Self Evaluation:
I have learnt:
  • How to cooperate better with a partner.
  • More information on Antarctica
  • Different ways of detailing objects.
  • How to detail things with the simple use of plasticine.
Our group:
  • Has had a great time working together.
  • Had different ideas at first, but we finally compromised.
My effort for this task has been: Quality My best work Could do better
Comment: Over the duration of this task I have had great pleasure working with Jane Austin. We joined our ideas together and finally came up with the perfect solution. I am extremely happy that I chose to be her partner. Of course we did have a couple of hiccups but they were sorted out. I thank Elizabeth for being my partner!
Teacher Evaluation:
Outcomes and Indicators Progressing Towards Achieved Working Beyond
Visual Arts - Making      
Closely observes details of Antarctica and seeks to make artworks about these using various techniques such as proportion, perspective, composition etc.   ü  
Organises and assembles materials in various ways in the making of artworks suited to particular purposes   ü  
Uses different artistic concepts (eg. colour, tone, light, scale)   ü  
Uses accepted typing conventions     ü
Spells needed words correctly (has used Spell Check)      ü
Uses a variety of print and script styles for effect   ü  
Includes graphics     ü
Effective, easy to read layout     ü
Comment: Your project has certainly evolved since we started working on the models!  It is good to see that you two worked together and compromised when you disagreed.  The whale is very effective and it is obvious that there is a lot of detail in your 'little Mawson'.  A job well done girls!

Miss Johnstone


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