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Buoyancy - Buoyancy is to do with whether a certain object is able to float on water.

How Do Ships Float?  

A ship is a watertight vessel that can travel long distances over water and provides transport and leisure.

Ships come in many shapes and sizes and are constructed from many different materials such as wood, steel, concrete, or fibreglass. A ship consists of: a hull (body), a bow (front), a stern (back), port (left-side), starboard (right-side).

Firstly, the density of a ship determines whether a ship will float or sink. Density refers to the proportion of weight to volume. When the density of a ship is less than the density of the water, the ship will float.

The second key to floating is that the ship must displace an amount of water equivalent to its own weight. Displaced water creates a strong force that pushes the hull upward to keep the ship stable. Additionally the water around the ship thrusts back because of the air in the atmosphere pushing down on it, therefore lifting the ship.

Both of these factors influence a ship's ability to float.

Boat Design - I mainly used foil for my boat design. I used three layers of foil. I chose my design of a large gondola due to the fact that I had a gut feeling that my boat would hold a vast amount of coins. Forty-one or so coins were able to be placed in my boat.

Evaluation - My boat worked the way that I had expected it to. The only thing that I could improve is to make the walls a little higher so when the boat submerges a little bit of water does not go in. The boat worked due to its lightness and size.


Learning Process & Self Evaluation:
I have learnt:
  • More about buoyancy.
My effort for this task has been: Quality My best work Could do better
Comment After an hour or so I was quite happy with my design. I started off knowing what I was doing and I finished knowing what I was doing. I think that is what made my boat a success.
Teacher Evaluation:
Indicator Progressing Towards Achieved Working Beyond
Science & Technology      
Develops and resolves a design task by planning, implementing, managing and evaluating the design process   ü  
Conducts own investigation and makes judgments based on the results of observing, planning, testing and drawing conclusions   ü  
Published work has been checked for errors     ü
Effective use of font size and style and page layout      ü
Comment:  Well done Mariam.  Your boat design was very successful so obviously you have learnt a lot about what it takes for something to be buoyant. 

Miss Best


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