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Maths - 2D Shapes


1. Design a logo that has rotational symmetry.



2. Write a description of two of the shapes that you used to make your logo. Describe and identify all of their properties. Use mathematical language.


Shape 1:isosceles triangle Shape 2: pentagon
This triangle has one line of symmetry and three edges and it also has three corners it is a isosceles triangle it also has three acute angles. An isosceles triangle will also tessellate.


A pentagon has five sides and five angles all of the angles are obtuse it also has five lines of symmetry it has five diagonals and it will tessellate.

3. How many axis of symmetry does your logo have?




Learning Process & Self Evaluation:
I have learnt:
  • About all the 2d shapes.
I am good at:
  • Tessellating the shapes.
I need to work more on:
  • Learning on shapes with their lines of symmetry.
My effort for this task has been: Quality My best work Could do better
Comment I think I did very well in this 2d shape sheet


Teacher Evaluation:
Outcome Progressing Towards Achieved Working Beyond
WMS3.3 Can describe and represent a mathematical situation in a variety of ways using mathematical terminology and some conventions   ü    
SGS2.3a Manipulates, classifies and draws two-dimensional shapes and describes side and angle properties ü  
Comment: a very imaginative logo Robbie, showing great use of shape and colour. You have written detailed descriptions listing the properties and showing your knowledge of 2D shapes. Great work!



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