This is a
picture of a very
This is a picture of a very
famous soccer
player who
famous player his name is
plays for Real
David Beckham he used
and plays for
Brazil in the
to play for the England
world cup
soccer team.
soccer team and he also
He is the top
goal scorer
use to be the captain for
in all the
teams ha has
the team. Now David
played for. He
is known
plays for Real Madrid
to be one of
the best
like Ronaldo. He used to
soccer players
in the
play for another team
world. He used
to play
called Man United he was
for Brazil all
the time until
captain for that team
he got an
offer to play for
as well.
Real Madrid.
Process & Self Evaluation: |
chose this piece of work because |
- Because I like soccer it is my favorite sport.
could improve this piece of work by |
- By putting more pictures.
effort for this task has been: |
Quality |
best work |
do better |
ü |
I think I chose a good topic and I think I did
well. |