Around Our School One day last week, this cute dog came to visit our school. Everybody instantly fell in love with him. We had no idea who owned him because he didn't have a collar. He came into our classes during the day and each class had him for about 10 minutes. Some classes created lessons about dogs, while others looked up on the Internet to try and find out what type of dog he was. Class 5A was the first to work out that the dog was a Papillon. It's a small dog from France. At lunch time, Mr Francis took him to the VET and he was scanned to see if he was microchipped. He was! We found the owner's phone number and called them. The dog lives two streets from our school and had somehow gotten out of his yard. The owners wanted to give the school a reward for looking after their dog so well. Yesterday, the owner came back and presented the school library with a book all about Papillon dogs. That was very nice of them. |