School is, and should be, a safe and
happy place to be. All children have the right to learn and no child
has the right to stop others from learning. We encourage children to
develop self-discipline by taking responsibility for their actions.
Children are encouraged to show respect for others' feelings, religion and
cultural backgrounds.
The school rules reflect the emphasis we
place on caring for each other.
The following rules outline the high
standards to behaviour expected in the classroom, in the playground, when
on outings and when travelling to and from school.
School Rules
- Be safe
- Do your best
- Respect others
- Talk and listen politely
- Care for our environment
Parents of children who persistently
disobey school rules will be notified. Assistance of the school
counsellor may be sought in helping the child overcome problems. However,
children and parents should be aware that the school will not hesitate to
enforce the suspension policy should the situation warrant such measures.
Examples of acceptable behaviours are
included on the behaviour grid below.
Our School Behaviour Grid
School Rule
In the classroom, this covers:
Outside the classroom, this covers: |
use equipment
and furniture safely
move sensibly
walk quietly and
carefully inside buildings
store bags in a
safe, neat way
be sun safe -
no hat, no play
play safe games
- run only in open spaces
play sensibly on
equipment and with sports equipment
walk on stairs,
near toilets, near canteen, under walkways
stay inside the
boundary - ask permission to leave playground
not playing in
grounds before 8.30am or after 3:30pm
your best |
listen and
complete work to
the best of your ability
do quality work
use time wisely
and stay on task
feel proud of
your behaviour and your work
play fairly:
be a good sport
set a good
example for others
behave sensibly
travelling to and from sport
behave sensibly
on excursions
Respect others
cooperate - help
each other
be polite and
ask before you
touch other people's property
consider other
people's feelings (no racism, bullying, teasing or put downs)
play fairly -
give others a fair go
equipment/games - cooperate and take turns
be sensible
consider other's
no aggressive
and listen politely |
listen to the
be attentive
speak clearly
take turns
use polite,
positive language
use an
appropriate voice
consider others'
ideas for games
cooperate in
decision making
take turns
use polite,
positive language
for our environment |
use materials
reduce, reuse,
tidy your space
store bags
return equipment
to the right place
save gas, water
and electricity
do the right
- keep playground tidy, keep toilets clean
save water - use
what is needed
return sports
equipment to the right place
care for the
natural environment - do not climb trees
look after
grass/garden areas by keeping off when asked
Stu's EduWeb School Rules Page
NOTE: These rules need to be confirmed. They may be edited as
required. |