Child's Play


(Outside of Capsule Corp.)

Yamucha: Bulma sounded so desperate to see me. Heh heh…I knew she never got over me. The temptation she had for The Wolf Fang Fist was too great, I suppose. Vegeta mustn’t know how to satisfy her need for The Yum Cha-Cha.



Yamucha: I knew she’d want me back. (knocks on the door)



Bulma: (Opens the door) Yamucha! Thank Kami you’re here. I need you

Yamucha: You need me?

Bulma: I want you…

Yamucha: (To himself) Heh heh heh, and she’s wearing green. She knows that’s my favourite colour…because it symbolizes horny



Bulma: ...To watch the boys.

Yamucha: (Blinks) What?

Bulma: Thank You Yamucha, I knew I could count on you!



 Ahh dependable Yamucha...