Finally! A place where Gohan can feel free to teach the way he wants to ^^



So my think you could withstand the special teachings that only perverts like me can benefit from? Well it doesn't hurt to find out...

*grins evilly*...Or does it?

Welcome to the wacky world P.Z. Edu-ma-cation!

In here you will find a variety of entertaining (and "educational") media, all for your personal enjoyment and learning needs!

And there is even stuff for you teachers too!
If you feel like your way of teaching just doesn't work as well as you'd want it to, you are most welcome to try these ideas...but to only the less innocent of students...uh heh...




Sorry...that was just the bell...the bell?! Crap! You guys have to go get yourself to class!
Quick! GO!


Which class do you have first? 


Health    Science    English    History    Art



Note: This section is currently UNDER CONSTRUCTION. Sorry for the inconvenience. The section should hopefully be ready for your viewing pleasure soon! 

~ The Magnificent Medina 

