Picture 1 



Trunks: Hey! It's not that freaky, and.... hey! Your brand of shoe is Porno, HA HA HA! porno! From great-saiya-girl-brief

Trunks (thinking): No wonder he fell over. They're so big...
Goku: Uh...a little help, Trunks? trunksstruelove 

Trunks: I'm sorry! It just came out! (Duo)

Trunks: Goku, usually when you get old you just put a sock on it when you're feeling cold. From Takhian

Goku: *Wiggle wiggle*
Trunks: ...and that's why mom left him and went to Vegeta... From ghoststorm

Trunks: Goku be serious for once!
Goku: Talk to the foot pretty boy!

Goku: Look how flexible I am since my trip from Yarradrat! See I can...oh shit...I'm stuck...uh...a little help?

Goku: Scratch my boot or I'm telling Bulma that Vegeta knocked her up! NOW GET SCRATCHING!

Goku: Oooo! Lookie Trunks! That thing looks just like my son's...

Trunks: Mother didn't tell me that the mighty Goku was infact just...a leg...
Goku: That's MISTER leg to you!

Narrator: Erection problems? Sick of using substitutes? From Cherie 

Trunks: Hey, its not funny, their are no women where I come from! From Apophis



