Picture 3 


Trunks: Man, that's gross! I mean, she doesn't even have a weenie! From Sailorharmony2000

Goten: For the 50th time Trunks, I don't wanna do what your mum and dad do out here! From great-saiya-girl-brief

Goten: Aww jeez, Trunks! Did you had to wait until I was right behind you?
Trunks: It wasn't me this time! I swear!

Goten: Gross! I'm not doing that!
Trunks: Goten grow up! Our dad's do it all the time. Don't you want to be as strong as they are?!

Trunks: Would you cut it out, I'm still in front of you! From Takhian

Goten: But Mom said not to put that there! From Takhian


