Picture 2 


Bebi Vegeta:
Trunks, I found you porn collection of you and Pan, what do you have to say for yourself?
Trunks: Ermmm, Bura and Pan are Gay? From great-saiya-girl-brief

Trunks: Please?
Bebi Vegeta: Shut up. Just because I took over a body doesn't mean I'm into S&M! From Takhian

Bebi Vegeta: This is the part every father looks forward to once their son is of legal age!

Trunks: No dad! I...I...I HAVE GENITAL HERPES!
Bebi Vegeta: And who do you think gave Goten genital herpes in the first place?
Trunks: No...NO...NOOOOO!!
Bebi Vegeta: BWAHAHA!!

Trunks: *shifty eyes* Um...whoops. I tripped. Oh! My legs suddenly opened by themselves!
Bebi Vegeta: Ha! Nice try Trunks, but no thank you.
Trunks: ...Damn.

Bebi Vegeta: You mother wanted me to tell you about the birds and the bees? I'LL TELL YOU ABOUT THE BIRDS AND THE BEES!
Trunks: *gulp* Be gentle.


