Welcome to Stage 9

It just keeps goin' and goin'

WOOOOOOO! Stage 9!

Well by now you should know the deal, so I won't bother explaining it over and over.

Just send your captions to me and I'll put them up and credit you next to each caption you give me! It's great fun, you'll love it!

In  Stage 9, Cell's about to appear on the scene, but just before he does, lets uncover some perverted moments just before that green bug thing arrives!


So what are you waiting for! Send your captions to me at trunks0bsessed@hotmail.com


 Picture 1 

Click here for previous interpretations!


 Picture 2 

Click here for previous interpretations!


 Picture 3 

Click here for previous interpretations!


Come on! Your so close to double digits!

 Stage 10 

Or do you wish to go back now?
And you call yourself perverted...

 Stimulus For The Dirty Mind