School and Teacher Feedback

Many schools using EduWeb have discovered that it offers numerous benefits for student learning as well as staff productivity.  Take a look at what they have to say below.  If you're interested in using EduWeb at your school, why not consider signing up to the EduWeb Mailing List!  This professional listserv is aimed at teachers just like you who are wanting to use technology to make a difference in the classroom.

  • Congratulations on Eduweb 2008. It does address a very important issue in the DET portal log in. What you have done is great. I had asked our Sydney West techos could it be done and they said “no way” so all the power to you. In a role of technology RFF, EduWeb is vitally important to me. I feed the school work folders each Thursday afternoon and the lessons revolve around that each week. I look forward to showing other colleagues at our school/ district/ region how eduweb can effectively be used. I always thought that an EduWeb support group in Sydney west would be the way to go but in talking to one of the TA’s at our SLITIS conference this week he assured me that a support group was already happening and to talk to you. If not, I am quite prepared to start one at our school even just as a file sharing group who discuss the what it is used for and how in their school.  Terry Dauw - Plumpton Public School
    One of my best mates is Greg Fitzgerald ( next door neighbour on campus and fellow resident townee in Wagga) and it was he who sold the idea of Eduweb to me . You may now realise my age and understand that I am genuine in wanting teachers to know how this outstanding product can help them in their daily technology use in the classroom.

  • Thank you Stu for developing such an innovative resource and I am always thrilled to share your creation with other teachers who haven't used EduWeb before. It is inspiring to be able to incorporate elements of the Quality Teaching model into ICT with children so readily using Eduweb as a tool. Well done!  Our school has been using Eduweb since 2002 and we have gone from strength to strength. Our principal is particularly happy when showing prospective parents around the school, how the research performed in the library is utilised in the computer lab / classroom to be showcased on the student's EduWeb pages across the school. The older buddy classes love assisting the Kindy's redesign their own pages too. Some staff are taking their teacher pages on board to communicate to their students (a slower process, however a starting point). The other real bonus is the digital portfolios I burn to CD for each child who leaves the school, i.e., mainly Year 6 students. They love having a record of their work.  Tammy Teppo - Forestville Public School

  • EduWeb has taken off now. I have done several sessions with staff showing them how to make templates and discussing possibilities for their classes and everyone is now very enthusiastic. I have to tell you one success story: We have a child who has had continuing problems with literacy. He was reluctant to write anything and what he did do was very basic. He volunteered to be one of my journalists for EduWeb...much to our surprise. He is now our star reporter. He has attended all special events at the school over the last two terms (Music parade, an Anzac service and the pre-schoolers Mother's Day lunch etc) and written pieces of work for our EduWeb. Some of his previous teachers have seen his work and have congratulated him in the playground for his efforts, which has boosted him so much he is now asking me for more events to cover, and I have been sending him to other classes to report on special activities. No one can believe it is the same child....Thanks Stu, Eduweb has done it again.  Liz Crocos - Birkdale South State School (Queensland)

  • We have the whole school on eduweb and I have been busy training kids and teachers to use front page. An interesting thing that I have noticed is the little kids pick it up and learn to edit a page as easily as the older kids. A Reading Recovery teacher was blown away today as she watched a struggling Year One student do things on the computer she wouldn't dream of doing herself.  We plan to have every teacher construct their own page during Term 3, T &D Pupil free day. This term all staff meetings have been held in the library so that we can incorporate a technology session into every staff meeting. You know I am an EduWeb devotee and the kids are absolutely ecstatic about it.  When they get the opportunity to have a go you can't drag them away.  The only issue is making time and getting staff motivated.  Anyway you can't say we are not trying . The new library computers are going to make a huge difference.  Barbara Shaffer - Canterbury South Public School

  • I don't normally submit feedback to my own feedback page, but lately I have been talking to a few schools who were using EduWeb since at least 2002 to see how their use and application of EduWeb has changed as the new features have been incorporated. One of them has continued to concentrate on the student pages pretty much exclusively, but the one thing they found was that it does actually get easier each year to get started with topics and get the students going again. Even training up the new grades that get on board is getting easier. It's all about getting the staff on-side first. The students are easy to motivate. Another school started with individual logon accounts for each student last year after using shared accounts in 2002 and 2003. They said they'd never go back. It was "pain-free". One school put a lot of effort into using the extra school intranet stuff that was introduced in EduWeb 2004, particularly the staff side of things. They saw great benefit in using the Staff Pages to coax more staff to use computers by "forcing" them to check for staff news updates, playground rosters and so on because they were no longer in printed form.  A high school is "really looking forward" to implementing the subject (high school) side of EduWeb 2005. They will be running EduWeb in English, History, Language, Art and Science exclusively for years 7 and 8 only, with a maximum of only four topic pages for each (one rich task in each subject per term). There is also a "My Personal Choice" section that the students can use to do intranet sites that cover "All About Me", "My Favourite Hobby", "My Favourite Music" and "My Future". A truly fabulous idea, and the best thing is, by starting small, it's not so overwhelming for everyone involved. They are even scheduling these classes into the computer labs and hoping to pickup wireless notebooks on the computer rollout, then order a base station and trolley in order to setup a portable computer lab which can be booked and wheeled around from classroom to classroom.  Finally, just after Christmas, I received an email from a parent(!) from a school in regional NSW. Their year 5 child had brought home a CD containing their EduWeb website. He could not believe that an 11 year old could produce such a range of work using various computer applications and questioned me whether it was likely that the teacher actually produced the work. When I told him that it would be very unlikely that the teacher would have done this for 30 students or more and that I have seen masses of student work from kids younger than his, he said he was immediately going out to buy a computer!  If you have any stories you'd like to share, it might just help those who are starting out with EduWeb for the first time, or those who would like to do something but aren't sure of what can be done. Feel free to send them through!  Stu Hasic - Sydney

  • I have been using EduWeb for 4 years now and have finally found a way to get the kids motivated, I am a visual person and like using photos. The photo pages become the motivator for writing. This week I have asked for news reporters from each class. Everyone wants to be one because they get to use the camera!! 2 boys (year 4) who have been trouble makers in the past came to me at lunch time this week after their computer lesson and asked when they could begin!!! These are boys who HATE school. They then went to the playground without the camera and became sports reporters on the lunch game of soccer. They backed up on the second day to write a second report so I relented and let them take pictures to illustrate the game. After lunch they sat for an hour trying to type the report into the photo album page before school finished. (I uploaded the photos). With a little help from me to edit they were discussing the spelling of words and punctuation necessary for names as they worked. When it was finished they were as proud as punch and were so glad that they could now show it to their classroom teacher in their own room. The news section of EduWeb has not been as motivating for the students. They don't like a lot of text to read but they love looking at the pictures and colours. Hope this motivates other schools to have a try. Linda Babic - Hilltop Road Public School

  • At Sherwood Ridge PS at Kellyville we are a brand new school, only opening our doors this year. We are running Eduweb on a Windows XP system/network.  The main benefits for us are:
    1. We use Eduweb for EVERYTHING..... staff memos, canteen list, sporting updates. We all fill in and print off our calendar. We hardly use the whiteboards in the admin for anything, as it all goes on EduWeb. I am in charge of technology and find it incredibly easy to administer
    2. Because it's sssssoooo simple to use, almost every class in our school uses it as part of their teaching/learning day. 95% of kids have created their own website (including Kindergarten!). I have used it with my Year 6 to do work samples of many things. I've attached outcomes and plan on burning all my class a CD at the end of the year with their EduWeb pages and Powerpoint slide shows as a meaningful and interactive part of their yearly report (I dare not say "portfolio"!!!).  I must admit that because we are so new, we have to crawl before we win marathons, so we have only used the very basics and haven't even explored some of its capabilities. But next year, I'll be doing I.T. as RFF and will expand its use then.  JUST A SENSATIONAL PIECE OF TECHNOLOGY THAT FORMS THE CORE OF OUR SCHOOL.  I think we'd grind to a halt without it!! WELL DONE!!
      Margot Stuckey - Sherwood Ridge Public School

  • We are in the middle of implementing EduWeb at Auburn. At the moment, the staff pages are up and running fully, but I haven't addressed any of the personal student pages yet - that's a whole training program for staff and students.  Initial comments and reactions are that staff and students are blown away. They think it's cool and brings the school community together. I am promoting it across the school (not so) subtly (it automatically opens when staff log on!!!) and I have targeted key people across the school to give them specific areas of responsibility. All are excited by the responsibility and take on the role with great enthusiasm and pride.  eg, the photos page, the library page, the news page, the SRC and canteen pages, the memorandum pages.  Staff (in the know about it) are already planning to present EduWeb to the next School Community meeting.  Without anything being published yet, staff can see the educational benefits of "story writing". We plan to automatically upload the school news page to our inTERnet site (eventually).  I have also expanded EduWeb to include a "forms and templates" page for admin type stuff, a technology page (for manuals), taskforce, help, news, etc, and a "green piece" page - which is our weekly staff news bulletin.  While some staff are not happy about the news bulletin not being printed and distributed anymore, they can see the environmental and instantaneous benefits of having this stuff online. Most staff are happy about this. I am really pushing the environmentally friendly aspects of having so much stuff online.  The taskforce module is very cool, particularly the emailing - I have already emailed help desk. They must be impressed too.  Our school is currently revising all our policies, so this is a great time to establish a uniform template and upload them to the policies page. The principal is very happy with this idea, along with the whole package. In fact, she has often told me that she has a look around the site and is more and more impressed with its potential on each viewing.  My only grief is that there is not enough time in the school day to "play" with it and refine it.  Steve Wilkins - Auburn Girls High School

  • We are a 'normal' school that had a look at Eduweb last year and decided to run with it this year. At our place Eduweb is being used from Kinder up to Year 6 at varying levels depending on the confidence of the teacher. (A yr 2 teacher has made a simple slide show of the Olympic games and added voice for the less able readers - dropped quizzes into each kids folder. Some teachers have developed 'forms' after being shown the 'all about me' page from your website at our stage planning days).   We see it as a means if a more immediate way of integrating ICT into the everyday work of students via tasks that are able to provide varied levels that are appropriate to student needs, while at the same time being aligned to syllabus outcomes. It's all about kids being in a learning environment that is engaging as well as challenging for them.  The kids are just amazed and delighted at what they have been given access to as a means of expressing themselves (importing pictures etc,) and at our 3 way conferences that we use as our half yearly reporting mechanism the parents were most impressed at the skills children were acquiring in the technology area.  We are looking to provide digital portfolios at some stage.  It's also a means of encouraging/expecting and supporting our staff to move ahead in the area of technology in order to provide the best opportunities for the kids in today's world.  Jane Gee - Barnier Public School

  • As a user for the past 3 years in a primary school environment I can only say thank you. It is the best FREE form of digital school portfolios that is child oriented. The simplicity of use and scope of creativity it unleashes allows this to be a truly great educational experience.  We can finally get away from drill and practise games on the internet and software packages to using the computer as the tool for further learning and employment.  The links to digital photographs and and web cam experiences is fantastic. No longer are recounts boring words, but they come alive with colour, sound, animation and photographs. We learn about the structure of where all our files are being stored and how to retrieve them.  Teachers are not so fast to embrace the technology because of the unreliability of the network. Viruses, breakdowns and other problems make them still insist on paper copies. When the system is down if everything is on file work grinds to a halt and we are at the mercy of IT personnel and their availability to come and sort out the mess.  This has occurred three times this year but luckily it was only for a short time and we have missed our computers! We don't realise how much we use them each day. Even the principal is getting used to using the staff pages to look up the playground roster and RFF timetables.  Now he is adding in the policies as they are being updated.  The photo link of 2004 is a godsend. We have used up all 6 galleries twice over this term. Children are enjoying seeing their own classrooms and eagerly line up to write the text message which accompanies the photos. Other classes enjoy reading the information printed and can't wait for it to be their turn to show their classroom to the rest of the school. Cleanup Australia Day. Walk Safely To School, International Peace Day, Olympic Swimming Trials at Homebush, Swimming Carnival at School and zone trial athletes have all featured this term. I just wish there were more galleries because so much happens during the year and it doesn't leave enough time for all students to see the photos and news before it is time to change them again. The calendar update to the internet web page is another great feature that we are making use of and saving time is what we all need. Thanks again for a great free product that encourages children to read and write from kindergarten to year 6. Linda Babic - Hilltop Road Primary School

  • Where do I begin?  EduWeb is a fantastic tool to motivate not only the kids but teachers (me!) as well.  As Teacher/librarian of Gosford East Public School, I see every child in the school. Sometimes it's a bit difficult to come up with activities that are not the usual run-of-the-mill type of thing. The student pages section of EduWeb provides the perfect medium. I can create online activities for the children (or use existing templates) which fit in with the units they are studying in class and download them onto their topics pages. In this manner, the children's work is all related and there is meaning in their daily tasks. The kids love completing activities, editing their pages to reflect their individuality and showing others the work they have completed.  The library section has enabled me to link the Premier's Reading Challenge lists to our EduWeb homepage. The children in Years 3 - 6 have accessed this site on a daily basis throughout the year. Reading in our school has increased as a result.  I had the dubious honour of introducing EduWeb during a Staff Development Day earlier this year. The "Wow!" factor was incredible. Everyone thought there was at least one part (if not lots) which could be of benefit. The staff links and general links provide a quick ready reference. Our policies are all available, our news page is maintained by children and photos are eagerly awaited after each special event. There is so much more we could do if there was a time allocation provided, not only for the daily maintenance problems we each experience, but also for actual teaching with this fantastic tool. Having said that, Stu's support is incredible. Emails are answered immediately (I don't know how he does it) and nothing seems to be too much trouble.  Thank you Stu, for your tireless efforts on behalf of our children and teachers. We couldn't do it without you. Veronica Hockings - Gosford East Public School

  • I am the Teacher Librarian at Cessnock P.S. and as such teach every child in the school. All classes K-6, including IM & ED, do two HSIE/Science based research modules per term. These topics complement or supplement their class work and are done both as part of their Library lessons with me and followed up in their computer lessons. Not only are the kids editing imaginatively using Frontpage but also the relevant graphics they are inserting into their work via Google image searches are helping to improve our whole school in the area of visual literacy. They are encouraged to communicate with me in the student evaluation box at the end of their module before I grade it; and students who have been unmotivated academically up till this point are busting their boiler to get an A+ on their research work!  Kids are now into the routine of slipping straight into Powerpoint slide show preparation on their favourite research topic if they finish a research module early. They are extremely proud when these are linked to their websites.  The other facilities such as the Calendar, News, Library, Photos etc have become a daily 'must see' for all students, and, most importantly, staff are starting to catch on - dragged along by their students.  Well done, mate!  Michael Kermode - Cessnock Public School

  • Thanks, Stu, for this excellent tool. I work in two primary schools - one has been using EduWeb for 3 years and one where we are just introducing it next term. I think it is brilliant. The staff use the teachers' links, the children are always using the kids' links. Our SRC uses their link, the library has gproxy linked up, the kids love the educational website of the week and I enjoy displaying the student website of the week. All in all the whole intranet works so well. Barbara Ryan

  • First, thankyou for a wonderful package. Login to EduWeb has made the process of opening and saving really consistent - and that is great. We have only been going for half a term and Year 1 are already independent with logging in. I only had to help 2 children in a class, some others no doubt needed help which was provided by their classmates. I have made individual instructions for the Kinders, with instructions to open a file on the back. After four weekly lessons many Kinder children log themselves in also. The big time saver for me during lessons is that previously I used to spend a good part of the lesson helping each child save their new file with the correct name in the correct place. Now I can spend all that extra time helping them learn! The other big bonus is publishing their work. Now it is so much easier to do. We had an Intranet .... that took literally weeks of my (holiday) time each year setting up all those links for over 400 students. In previous years, there never was enough time to publish the work done and most webpages just had lots of clipart and little else. I look forward to making use of all the additional features of EduWeb. Thankyou.  Julie Frankham - Raymond Terrace PS

  • I just wanted to say that, so far, I have just scratched the surface of EduWeb and I'm blown away by the extent, comprehensiveness and professionalism of what I've found so far. There are boundless ideas and support for teachers and the concepts and skills developed in the children will be, no doubt, extensive.  In short, congratulations on a great job.  And thanks.  Chris Wallace - Wyrallah Road PS

  • The whole school's been swept up in EduWeb fever - the students are even asking if they can do it at lunch time! (and this is a trying, PSFP school with some pretty disadvantaged children, most of whom have no access to a computer outside school). The staff are also taking it on board which is great to see. Even the reluctant ones are making the effort as they can see the benefits and are being carried away with the general enthusiasm. (I think they're also worried the students will eventually learn more than they will & they're not too pleased about being left behind!).  We've created a user on the network called News Reporter which has a password. This is for the News Reporters (of which there are 3) so they can do the editing of submitted articles (with me overseeing of course!). There's one well researched article up there already (complete with student quotes!) and I'm sure there are plenty more on the way now I've announced this aspect of EduWeb.  Justine Abell - Irrawang PS

  • The question of resourcing for technology is a difficult one. The research is showing it is not what computers one has but rather how one uses them. Many schools have abundant technology, but do not have an effective use of it. I believe schools need to start from their curriculum and tailor their technology purchasing to reflect their teaching. The big problem is that there is no real direction on how computers should be integrated into children's learning. Some classes and teachers do it exceptionally well, but there are few examples of whole schools doing it well.  Rather it relies on the enthusiasm of a pocket of teachers. Therefore there is no uniformity from class to class or grade to grade (without even thinking about school to school - hence the problems experienced by High Schools).  Educational authorities need to look seriously at teacher knowledge and curriculum development integrating technology; i.e. making some components compulsory.  Otherwise the great investment in hardware will be wasted except for those students lucky enough to get one of the interested teachers.  Programs like EduWeb are essential for developing cross school integration of technology. It provides a skeleton to hang the meat on (so to speak). The skills that can be learnt from a program or structure such as this would more than meet the needs of every primary student and give them sufficient skills for High School. If every school used this as a basis, then uniform web skills, editing, and then add say PowerPoint and some basic video editing then we would really see some excellent work being done. Teachers would only have to master Word, FrontPage (optional) and PowerPoint. Software costs and associated licenses would disappear except for the instances where a teacher wanted to pursue a specific slant.  Educational authorities should produce CDs with units of work with web links and blank worksheets etc which use the mentioned programs and the hard work is done for teachers who can confidently go back to working with their class to produce quality outcomes and product.  David Harris, Gwandalan PS

  • The use of technology to enhance student learning has long been a priority at Leura Public School.  During 2002, 60 students from Stage 2 and Stage 3 were involved in a project which aimed to produce a web-based digital portfolio.  The trial of digital portfolios has proven to be an exciting development in our curriculum not only allowing accomplishments to be demonstrated but also enabling students to take increased responsibility for the work they have done.  The EduWeb was used as the framework for the digital portfolios which are stored on the school's Intranet and are linked to the KidMap assessment and reporting database.  Student work is publicly displayed within the school promoting ownership and enabling staff to readily utilise portfolios for assessment purposes.  The project was evaluated by formally consulting all stakeholders.  Feedback has overwhelmingly indicated that the project is worthwhile and should be continued and expanded in 2003.  The project, while providing a means to enhance and develop technology skills in students, has also been shown to improve students' confidence, the quality of their work and their engagement with learning tasks.  Wayne Newman, Leura Public School

  • Thank you for a fantastic product. We began using EduWeb last year and unfortunately I couldn't make it to your seminar, but I have seen the results of Producer and am impressed.  We have just purchased a digital video camera with our year 6 fundraisers and I am looking forward to trying out new ideas in 2003.  Our Year 6 published their Yearbook on EduWeb for the first time this year and the results were spectacular. Thank you again for making web publishing so easy. Even our kindergarten have used the web pages with help from their year 6 peers.  Keep up the good work and I hope you are rewarded for all your hard effort in making IT more accessible to us baby boomer teachers.  Linda Babic, Hilltop Road Primary School

  • This is the second year I've been using EduWeb as our student-centred intranet. It's fantastic. We've added and added to it to meet our school needs, yet have maintained the core element of a place for students to publish. This year all work done by Year 5 & 6 is published on the intranet, and not printed. We've gone with the option to create individual folders for all students and they use these as their storage area for all work saved. These folders are accessed through the "My Work Folder" shortcut. Published work has taken the form of slide shows, word documents and FrontPage pages. The students from year 2 up have been using the intranet and finding great delight in publishing their work in this way.  Unfortunately our school is not classroom networked so only what's done with me in the computer lab (1 hour a week) is included. Wait till we're networked!!!  The staff have embraced its use and I've created home pages for all staff, many with linked pages. These are accessed mainly through a staff photo and hot spots for the links. - Brian Marsland, Kings Park Public School

  • Congratulations and thanks for EduWeb!  Our district Computer Skills Assessment Consultant has introduced it to four of our senior classes here at Gosford Public School as a trial run, with outstanding success. All kids have been able to successfully create an individualised web page about themselves, despite their previous experience (or lack of) with web design. The kids with advanced skills are particularly motivated, although some of the results are hard on the eyes! The teachers involved in the trial also have a range of abilities, but all are very impressed with the ease and flexibility of your program. I am currently working with a couple of the teachers to produce intranet units for the different stages - yet another thing that blew my mind away with the possibilities it opens up. Our ESL group has also had a page created for them - an important way of disseminating knowledge about other cultures to a wider audience. Needless to say, we are having a ball with your program. Thanks for your generosity in sharing your ideas and skills with us! Sharon Thornton, Gosford Public School

  • The Intranet is a great hit with the kids - so easy for them to use, they are very busy personalising their pages and linking lots of work!  I love it, the kids love it - our boss loves it! Thanks for your generosity.  Pru Thomas, Dural Public School

  • I've just downloaded and been working with your intranet. Mate, it's great, and obviously has had a fair bit of work put into it! My kids (Year 6) have been working on their pages for 2 days now and are wrapped - they are coming up with some great stuff.  We are using Win 98 in the computer lab (30 computers). Dave Wall, Wagga Public School

  • At BHPS we have been using EduWeb this year for our Digital Portfolio project. EduWeb has allowed each student to almost instantly have their own website and create pages and links to all sorts of work. Students have added images, sound files, video clips and linked to PowerPoint presentations they have made, all in only 12 weeks of the program. I have been amazed at their enthusiasm and willingness to try new things. Many times I have been asked, "Is it possible to...". Perhaps however the greatest advantage in using EduWeb is that it so easily promotes co-operative learning and peer-tutoring. Everyone can be an expert - I now have expert graphics consultants, sound people and background specialists! The kids love it and the teachers are learning heaps too! - Joann Sayers, Bellevue Hill Public School

  • Thank you for a very handy tool. Just what I needed. Completely pain free, simple installation. Dropped it into MS Personal Webserver, pasted some java script for the webcam we use for security, and viola! Saved me a lot of time. We went from no intranet to one in twenty minutes.  School now has a great intranet, that everyone (staff, students, parents) are interested in. - Mark, Mullumbimby Public School

  • Congrats on a great piece of programming - EduWeb has made web page building so accessible for the kids at VEPS - they are having an absolute ball using it! - Jenny James, Villawood East Public School

  • I thought I would just drop a quick line and let you know I am still plugging away with EduWeb - quite successfully I might add - at our school.  The kids are having a lot of fun too. It's taking a while but it is rewarding to see all their work in one place and the hyperlink skills of linking, having an implemented, meaningful application for each student. They just LOVE sharing their work with each other...and parents at interviews are coming up soon, too - that will be great feedback.  Here's a big step for me - I presented "what's happening in technology at Leumeah PS" at the Campbelltown Technology day last week and did a big half hour on "EduWeb"- at the District TA's request and encouragement - and I was very pleased to hear that in the evaluation 90% of the participants - principals, high schools & CCs in primary school said on their evaluation that they "got the idea!" and they thought it was great - so that made me feel better and made a lot more people think about it.  I might add I had never presented anything to a group before - especially that kind of range so I felt quite pleased that: a) my ibook did all the right things at the right time and b) that my Powerpoint presentation, was different to everyone elses! and c) that eduweb has made the process so easy that there's no excuse not to have an intranet now as all the hard work - thanks to you - has all been done. - Annette Allen, Leumeah Public School

  • I have just had a visit from our District Technology Adviser who explained and loaded the program you wrote that enables all students to setup their own web page.  From an inexperienced computer person, let me say how impressed I am and how excited I feel about the opportunity you have provided my students.  We are very close to being fully networked and I can't wait to see the results the students produce.  On behalf of all the students, staff and parents, thank you. - Diana Pine, East Hills Public School

  • On Friday I went to Tambar Springs armed with the slide show on EduWeb, the flyer and the set information off your web site. There were four Principals from small PP6 and PP5 schools there. I showed them EduWeb and did a quick splurge on what it does and they were impressed. You see the day was based upon setting up an Student Electronic Portfolio System within their respective schools. They could see the great benefits of setting up EduWeb. We then went to a PC and downloaded the Eduweb setup disk from your website and went through setting up an EduWeb on their small but fast network of PC computers. Everything worked well and we had soon established the EduWeb on a Library PC ready for access across the network. One of the teachers began taking some photos of the kids and placing them onto their intranet web page. She really ran with the idea and cottoned on very quickly. It was a great day and I thoroughly enjoyed presenting and installing EduWeb with these Principals and teachers. It is a great program - well done. I should also tell you that one of the things our local TA showed computer coordinators from all over our area the previous Wednesday was your EduWeb. I just happened to have a copy of our Intranet on my laptop ready to show the teachers at Tambar on Friday so I was able to demonstrate just what the kids can do once they are set loose with EduWeb. - Tony Johnston, Boggabri Public School

  • Stu, thanks for the inservice on EduWeb last week and for the advice this morning.  Now have EduWeb running on the fileserver and have set it up for one very excited teacher. - Wayne Courtney, Henry Fulton Public School

  • Great work on EduWeb - saved me hours of work rebuilding our Intranet last year after server crash. I used EduWeb last year for school Intranet and burned off a copy of our Intranet for Year 6 at end of year, so that they had an electronic portfolio of work completed. Thanks. - Brian Barron, Cooranbong Public School

  • We started with your EduWeb last year and quite a few teachers became really enthusiastic. We have written it into our PSFP Literacy program for this year especially for Years 3-6 but others in K-2 are going to use it too.  Several teachers are going to use it as a profile for the student and will insert open ended assessment tasks but mostly it's used for publishing. I haven't tried it out yet but I assume its possible to link/insert a Powerpoint demonstration to a student page as this is my teaching focus with Yrs 5&6 next term. The kids love motion clips and choose those over plain pictures every time. - Alexandra Sutton, Bankstown Public School

  • Heathcote Public School is now converted to the magic of EduWeb and the AP can throw away his training wheels and show the kids the power of the student-driven intranet.  I just recently ran EduWeb at Gymea Bay PS to generate the pages for Year 2 only (currently only 3-6 have their own web pages and folders etc that, as you know, I created manually). They then worked with their 'buddies' from senior classes to insert images, add text and background colours etc. The kids know I'm leaving at the end of the year (off to Woronora PS as Principal) and the lower primary have started to ask will they have to start a new 'home' page. Of course, they don't want to and won't have to. Each primary student will always save to their folder right up until they leave Gymea Bay.  Another thing that the kids have started doing, and I've insisted they all do it, is when they save their home page they also save it again as a copy with initials eg copygf. It's so easy on a pc to accidentally wipe another kids home page if you are not careful, but if they have a copy then it can be easily recovered without going to a backup - maybe a suggestion for your notes. Thanks again Stu for making the whole process user-friendly. You will have saved me and the CC a lot of time when I get to Woronora PS in 2002. - Greg Fitzgerald, Gymea Bay Public School

  • I think that the EduWeb you have developed is the most exciting student centred application I have come across and I am very keen to implement it. Other teachers here share my opinion. - Stu White, Leura Public School

  • We enjoyed using your EduWeb late last year at our school.  And as we became familiar with it and editing the standard pages many children achieved successful pages. This year we have taken another step further and replicated each page and named them according to the OASIS data with the intention of making them available to students at the end of the year. This year we have included a staff photo with hotspots linked directly to the teachers page for each class (as well as setting up additional pages for staff without classes). This assists teachers to develop their pages so that they’re not left behind the students! Fortunately, all staff have been allocated staff development time to have a go at editing their own pages.  Our school is running PCs in a lab and a Novell server. I like your idea of having a work subfolder within their personal EduWeb folder. Thanks too for the excellent notes that made the installation and set up so easy. - Brian Marsland, Kings Park Public School

Please send through any comments you may have!

Stu's EduWeb is designed and developed  by Stuart Hasic -  It is available free of charge for public schools in the state of New South Wales in Australia only.  Other schools interested in Stu's EduWeb should contact the developer directly. (c) 2001-2010 by Stuart Hasic