Picture 1 



Mrs Brief: Young man, can you guess where I want to put this hand? From great-saiya-girl-brief

Trunks: Um, flirting with me isn't that healthy! Things could turn grubby! From great-saiya-girl-brief

Trunks (thinking): Oh Lord, help me to be pure...but not yet.

Trunks: A bra would be nice.... (Duo)

Trunks: Uh...I've been misbehaving...care to discipline me?

Mrs Brief: Hello young man! Want a cookie?
Trunks: Heh...I want more than just a cookie from you...

Mrs Brief: My you've grown so fast. I have memories when I used to bath you as a baby.
Trunks: *Grins* Care to relive those memories?

Mrs Brief: Tee hee...Trunks, you can lower your arm now.
Trunks: Can't. Stuck there.

Trunks: Wow Grandma! Maybe my next hairstyle should be like yours!

Trunks: Wow! I don't have you in my timeline! Care to be in my future?

Trunks (thinking): if you weren't my grandma, I would be playing hide the sausage with you. From Apophis

Trunks:  Umm...Grandma?  Would you please take your hand of that? From Takhian

Mrs. Brief: My! How big you've grown Trunks! From Takhian



