Welcome to Stage 4

Still craving for more?

Well by now you should know the deal...and wondering how many more pictures I have for this thing...heh heh...well I can tell you right now that it's quite a few.

Here in Stage 4, it's pervertedness Future Trunks Style! With those long lavender locks!

These may be a little hard...but we'll give it our best shot!

I would still love captions for the other stages of The Gallery though!
Captions are ALWAYS welcome! If you send me some, I'll love you forever ^^
And remember...the more perverted the BETTER!

So what are you waiting for! Send your captions to me at trunks0bsessed@hotmail.com


 Picture 1 

Click here for previous interpretations!


 Picture 2 

Click here for previous interpretations!


 Picture 3 

Click here for previous interpretations!


More?! You got it!

 Stage 5 

Note: Stage 5 will not be open until I have a decent amount of entries for Stage 4
Entries for Stage 1, 2 & 3 are also desired

Or do you wish to go back now?
Finally got too much did it? Heh

 Stimulus For The Dirty Mind