Picture 1 



Trunks: Porn, porn, porn, porn, porn! Can't wait to get these babies back home! From great-sayia-girl-breif

Trunks: So THIS is where Gohan hides his porn! I knew there was another reason to why he reads these crappy books so much!

Trunks: So you're saying...mum's romance novels are just like porn...but just in writing?

Trunks: Of course! Behind the bookshelf is Gohan's secret Saiyaman hideout!

Trunks: Boy Gohan, you sure have a lot of books on the female anatomy!

Trunks: "17 - The Split Eagle" ...*blinks*...but isn't 17 an android? 

Trunks: Master Roshi is gonna be pissed when he realises I stole all this porn. From Apophis

Trunks: Wow! Dad's secret stash of yaoi! I can't wait to tell everyone... From Takhian

Trunks: How to use...what's this word? B-O-N-D-A-G-E? From Takhian

Trunks: Hey! Mom and Dad's photo albums! Wait a sec, what's this one? Wedding night?... From Takhian

Trunks: So...that's how you do that... From ghoststorm 



