You Have Now Entered...

 Stage 3 


Welcome to Stage 3

Can't get enough can you?

Well here in stage 3...yes, we get dirtier, and it gets harder
And yes...I may just be referring to THAT type of hard this time around!


Oh yeah, and did you notice there is a theme going on in each stage of The Gallery? Think about it. In Stage 1 we got down and dirty while corrupting the Trunks we all know from DBGT

Then as we entered Stage 2, it was pervertedness Future Trunks, baby yeah! And that's the way (uhuh uhuh) I like it!

Well here in Stage 3, we have Chibi fever! The not so famous versions of Trunks!
Shall be interesting

So what are you waiting for! Send your captions to me at


 Picture 1 

Click here for previous interpretations!


 Picture 2 

Click here for previous interpretations!


 Picture 3 

Click here for previous interpretations!



Still can't get enough? We hear ya!
Prepare to venture to Stage 4!

 Stage 4

Or do you wish to go back now?
Heh. Getting too dirty for ya?

 Stimulus For The Dirty Mind