They say pictures speak a thousand words...

...what they didn't say was that those words were of a perverted nature


Pictures are like abstract art. Open to all perspectives and interpretations...but they all have one thing in common. Pervertedness is universal, and pictures from all over express this in quite interesting ways. Take the picture above. Seems like a perfectly innocent picture, don't it?

WRONG when you can clearly see that everyone in the picture is checking out Trunks' ass! 


That's just my interpretation you say? Yes, you're right, but remember this. I am the Queen of Gross-outs, my friends. I have the ultimate dirty mind, and you can too if you learn from the master that is myself.

Notice the things that would have gone unnoticed in your years of innocence! Imagine all the pictures you thought were safe for children to see! Mind blowing ain't it?


I have placed links for pictures of several stages. Stage one has the more obvious of pictures. Recommended for beginners. Stage 2 and 3+ are harder...and I don't mean that type of hard!


Now let your inner pervert free and expand your mind!


 Stage 1     Stage 2     Stage 3     Stage 4     Stage 5    Stage 6    Stage 7 

 Stage 8     Stage 9     Stage 10    Stage 11    Stage 12    Stage 13

 Stage 14    Stage 15    Stage 16    Stage 17    Stage18