What is it?


Every school recognises that a school intranet would be a valuable resource to have.  Many schools already have vast networks and large numbers of computers but how effectively are they really being used?

Schools that tried have found the reality is that intranets are not simple to setup.  For a start, creating and maintaining all the web pages needed is a very time consuming task - and many schools get bogged down developing pages that concentrate on the administrative aspects of school such as timetables and getting policies on-line.

While these are clearly important aspects, they do nothing to assist students' learning.  It's a simple case of automating for the sake of automating.  Instead of automating, we should be informating in schools.

To do this, intranet development in schools should be driven and owned by the students and that's where Stu's EduWeb comes in.  It does the automating so the students can get on with the informating.

Click here to view a MS PowerPoint slideshow (360KB) all about Student-Centred Intranets and why your school should have one.  And click here to view a multimedia presentation (video and slideshow in your browser) giving you a Student Perspective of Stu's EduWeb.  In November 2002, a seminar titled "EduWeb: One Year Later" was held.  Over 130 teachers attended this seminar.  Click here to find out more about it.

What Does Stu's EduWeb Do?

In a nutshell, EduWeb takes all the legwork out of developing a student-centred intranet. In a typical school intranet, students submit work to a teacher in various forms - paper, MS Word, Publisher and so on - the teacher then massages the work to make it fit into the school's website or intranet and uploads several updated pages to the webserver.  It's a huge task for someone who probably already has a full teaching load. In the end, many intranets and school websites pass their use-by dates, too time consuming and difficult to keep alive.

EduWeb turns the typical school intranet process on its head.  EduWeb hands the school's intranet to its rightful owners - the students.

Yeah, right.

Ok, you can't just let the students do their own thing with your school intranet or you're liable to end up with hundreds of web pages about rap music or Dragonball Z!  You do need to monitor and direct their pages to ensure they adhere to the school's website publishing guidelines.  But by giving the students perceived ownership of the intranet, you will instill many positive values and provide them with the opportunity to responsibly manage an important school educational resource.  And the pride that is evident in students that have published websites is reflected in higher quality content and presentation.

And while I'm on the advantages, there's the extra life their work suddenly gains.  Instead of a five page printed project that gets stuck in a book or left in the bottom of a drawer, it remains available on-line at the school for all to access for as long as the student wants to leave it there.  They can even update or add to it - even though the project has supposedly been completed and handed in.  Students will research using the Internet more and gain better information skills.  And what about the importance of personal expression? I could go on - and on.

Enough! How does EduWeb do all this?

EduWeb includes an OASIS export report that quickly and simply extracts all your student's names, grades and classes from the NSW OASIS system, so for a start, there's no typing in of any student names.  The program then takes that exported data and builds the base intranet pages (hundreds or even thousands of them) in a just a minute or two.  A structured folder arrangement is automatically created with index pages that allow you to drill down through scholastic year and class through to each individual student and each of their individual project pages.  What's more, with EduWeb, you can create a new intranet structure for each year while maintaining the previous years' intranets!

The base index web pages are neat and professionally presented while the project pages can be totally tailored by the students, all the time maintaining the structure's integrity.  There are also special Teacher pages so teachers can give their students instructions or work tasks.  Your students can view the intranet using Internet Explorer or Netscape Communicator and then edit their pages simply from the browser by launching FrontPage or Netscape Composer.  Save the changes and the updated page is immediately available!  Full instructions can be found in the Instructions and Frequently Asked Questions pages (just click the links at left).

EduWeb 2006

At the beginning of 2004, a brand new version of EduWeb was released which offers all of the benefits of a student-centred intranet, but adds to it solutions for developing an entire school intranet!  School News, Calendars, Staff Pages, Photo Galleries, Student and Staff Links and much, much more.  Take a look through the demo school EduWeb accessible by clicking here.  Everything you'll see in the demo was automatically generated, some of it added to to demonstrate what you can produce very easily with Stu's EduWeb.  Also take a look at the EduWeb Self-Paced Training System.  Each year since then, the next release of this powerful school solution was made available.  This introduces more new features and enhancements and places EduWeb at the forefront of student publishing and ICT integration.  See  what went into in EduWeb 2006!  Also, check out the new features that went into EduWeb 2005Then when you really want to see what even Primary school students can achieve, take a look at the REAL student work samples by clicking here and here.

System Requirements

Stu's EduWeb is a Windows application, so it needs Windows 95/98/NT/ME/2000 or XP or later to run.  But the EduWeb (intranet) it creates is completely platform independent.  The created EduWeb can be stored on a standalone PC or Apple iMac, on a Novell Netware, Windows NT/2000 or Apple OSX or AppleShare server running from a simple folder structure, or on a professional webserver like Apache, IntraNetware or IIS using HTTP.  Note that while the intranet structure can be fed from one of these webserver (HTTP) systems, editing and updating the individual intranet pages is not so simple.  For this reason, storing your EduWeb on a FILE Server is always recommended with access via file:// protocol.

As the pages created by EduWeb are simple HTML pages, any webpage editing tool can be used such as FrontPage, DreamWeaver, nVu, HotDog or Mozilla Composer.

EduWeb Credits and Acknowledgements

Stu's EduWeb came to me in my sleep (or lack thereof) the night after seeing an effective student-centred intranet developed by Greg Fitzgerald at Gymea Bay Public School (Greg is now Principal at Cronulla South PS).  Greg Sharkey, Technology Adviser from Sutherland District was initially also involved in the GBPS setup.  The only drawback I saw with the setup was that it had to be created manually and it took months to complete.

The following night, a Friday, I developed the folder structure and base layout of the web pages and button graphics together with a small dummy student database of the type I thought I could easily make in OASIS.  In about nine hours over the Saturday and Sunday a Visual Basic Professional 6.0 application was written which after testing proved to do the task as intended.  Monday afternoon saw the development of the OASIS export report at Carlton Public School which also agreed to run with EduWeb in 5th and 6th class for term 4.  Further initial testing  occurred in Lake Macquarie, Bondi and Sutherland Districts following the e-mailing of the EduWeb software just minutes after its completion.

EduWeb Version History

Version Release Date New Features
9.0 6 March 2010 The final development of Stu's EduWeb released. This version is year-independent. You can keep installing it every year and it will automatically update itself for the new year. It's been fun, so many schools, so many student pages with amazing work - but the world has moved on. Maybe it's time you should too. Happy trails everyone!
2009 (8.3)* 18 April 2009 EduWeb 2009 v8.3 released.  With the demise of ISP Console as a mechanism to export student data, NSW DET's EMU product has been updated to export the required fields for EduWeb. This version of EduWeb is now fully compatible with EMU and new instructions have been provided for exporting from EMU.
2009 (8.2) 7 February 2009 EduWeb 2009 Released, working with ISP Console. Includes link to each school's OASIS Library Web Enquiry and many other changes to the Links pages.
2008 (8.1) 17 February 2008 Minor modifications only made to EduWeb 2007 version
2007 (8.0) 11 February 2007 With major changes to the way the Internet is accessed in NSW Public Schools, EduWeb 2007 has focussed on better integrating with the Authenticated Internet Browsing system. Some other minor modifications have also been made to the EduWeb structure to better streamline the product.
2006 (7.0) 30 January 2006 Stu's EduWeb 2006 has been released.  This version includes all features bundled in the previous three EduWeb 2005 Service Packs plus a new background feature for managing new students.  For more details, please take a look at the "What's New in EduWeb 2006" page.
2005 (6.0) 1 December 2005 EduWeb 2005 Service Pack 1.3 released containing a bug fix for the Term Calendar Generator. Get it from the Downloads Page.
2005 (6.0) 17 October 2005 EduWeb 2005 Service Pack 1.2 released containing a bug fix for the EduWeb Topics Utilities. Get it from the Downloads Page.
2005 (6.0) 24 May 2005 EduWeb 2005 Service Pack 1 released containing updates to the EduWeb Shortcut Creator, Topics Utilities and Photo Gallery Tool.  Get it from the Downloads Page.
2005 (6.0) 7 May 2005 EduWeb 2005 was not modified, but two FULL Student EduWeb websites were made available.  These sites were produced totally by individual year 6 students at a public school in Sydney.  You can take a look at these REAL student work samples by clicking here and here.
2005 (6.0) 1 May 2005 EduWeb 2005 was not modified, but a new version of the EduWeb Photo Galleries JPEG Tool (v3) was released.  To find out more about this essential upgrade, please take a look at the Gallery Tool v3 webpage.
2005 (6.0) 12 January 2005 Stu's EduWeb 2005 has been released.  This version includes several new features including enhanced and expanded photo galleries, EduWeb TaskForce as standard, and a completely new way of creating Student Pages, specially designed for High School use.  For more details, please take a look at the "What's New in EduWeb 2005" page.
2004 (5.03) 30 September 2004 EduWeb 2004 was not modified, but a new on-line self paced training system was produced and released.  The EduWeb Self-Paced Training System is a great new way to learn about how to use EduWeb in your own time.  The first release contains over 50 minutes of flash movies you can play in your browser.  The movies are fully narrated and broken into 30 separate sections covering all aspects of the EduWeb school intranet solution.  You can choose to either run the training system on-line (broadband recommended), or you can download the full training system as one file and install it on your workstation or school's server for quick and easy access at any time.  The movies can be played in any order, stopped and reviewed as required.  Future releases will include a training system for students and another for EduWeb administrators.
2004 (5.03) 8 August 2004 EduWeb 2004 was not modified, but a new add-on called EduWeb TaskForce was produced and released.  EduWeb TaskForce is a new module designed to fit in the Staff Pages section of EduWeb and offers a simple, unique way of logging task requests for specific school support staff such as the school CC and the General Assistant for example. With TaskForce, any staff member can log a request using the in-built database entry tool (Windows) and auto-generate the EduWeb TaskForce webpage that contains details of all outstanding (incomplete) requests logged (Mac/Windows). It then provides the support person with a shortlist of tasks to complete, as well as a tool to manage all requests (Windows) including marking requests as complete and regenerating the EduWeb TaskForce webpage. Get it at the Downloads page!
2004 (5.03) 22 May 2004 EduWeb 2004 was not modified, but a new add-on (or standalone utility was produced and released - the EduWeb WebCam!  This is a useful tool that schools (or individuals) can use to easily create their own on-line WebCam. This program will allow you to turn an ordinary USB web camera on a Windows PC into a webcam server, accessible by other computers on your school network. In the case of the NSW Dept of Education (DET), your webcam server can be accessible by all schools and DET offices in the state! And if you have broadband internet access at home, you can create your own personal webcam site accessible by the whole world!
2004 (5.03) 28 March 2004 EduWeb 2004 was repackaged to include the updated AddStudent.exe utility.  This version now transfers the Student Writing folder to new students that are added to the EduWeb structure.  The 2004 version of this utility is available as a separate download on the Downloads page for any school that have already installed EduWeb 2004.
2004 (5.02) 20 March 2004 EduWeb 2004 was repackaged to include the new EduWeb Topics Utility v2 which offers many more options for distributing EduWeb templates and files to students - especially in high schools where custom student groups can be created.  The EduWeb Topics Utility v2 is available as a separate download on the Downloads page for any school that have already installed EduWeb 2004.
2004 (5.01) 7 February 2004 Launch of the newly relocated EduWeb website at stuhasic.com.  Slight modification to Stu's EduWeb and associated documentation to reflect this new URL.  Also, the EduWeb Mailing List was launched to assist teachers with sharing of ideas and experiences and to develop collegial support networks across schools.
2004 (5.0) 11 January 2004 Stu's EduWeb 2004 has been released.  This version includes some minor bug-fixes and an additional program, the EduWeb FTP Utility.  This program allows users to (unbelievably) easily incorporate their EduWeb News and Calendar pages into their school Internet website.  Whenever the Intranet version of these pages is updated, your Internet website can be updated with the click of a mouse.  Read all about it in the Using EduWeb 2004 document which has now grown to 43 pages.  EduWeb 2004 and associated documents and utilities are all available on the Downloads page.
2004 Beta 4 January 2004 The EduWeb 2004 Beta was updated to correct a few minor bugs and to edit some links on the Student and Staff Links webpages.  A new utility called EWLIBFIX.EXE was produced to correct an error that occurs on some PCs when running the EduWeb Submit News applet.  The fix is available on the Downloads page.
2004 Beta 17 December 2003 EduWeb 2004 will be released in January.  This version is available for testing purposes, to verify everything functions according to plan.  EduWeb 2004 is probably the most significant version of EduWeb ever developed.  A comprehensive 41 page User Guide for EduWeb 2004 is also now available on the downloads page, as is a 9 page brochure.
4.0 5 May 2003 The EduWeb program was not modified, but a new add-on program made available.  The EduWeb Photo Studio allows students to take their own photos using a simple USB WebCam and have them automatically placed in their EduWeb folder.  Paul Clark from Bankstown District also submitted a set of Mini-posters for "How to Edit EduWeb pages using Netscape 7 on OS X".  Both of these new improvements available from the Downloads page.
4.0 24 January 2003 Version 4 of EduWeb released. The EduWeb Setup program now creates a master student folder which is used by the newly included "Add a New Student to EduWeb" utility.  This utility makes it much easier to insert a new student into a class and provide them with a base EduWeb folder structure.  The EduWeb Topics Utility is now also bundled in the EduWeb Setup program and installed in the EduWeb folder.  Minor cosmetic changes were made to the EduWeb Shortcut Creator.  Corrected a minor problem associated with installing EduWeb from a Windows 2000 or XP computer.  New additional buttons included.
3.0 16 September 2002 The EduWeb program was not modified, but a new add-on program made available.  The EduWeb Topics Utility extends the functionality of EduWeb by allowing teachers to create their own customised templates for individual topic pages for students to work on and replicate that template in each student's webspace for a whole class or a whole grade.  The utility can also be used to place additional support files in each student's space quickly and easily.  Instructions for the utility's use can be found on the Instructions page.
3.0 20 May 2002 The EduWeb program was not modified, but the EduWeb Buttons Editor and template files were made available on the Downloads page.  Using the "Buttonz" editor together with the template file for your chosen EduWeb button style, it is possible to create any button for use in your EduWeb.  A couple of new utilities were also added to the Downloads page to assist with burning CDs and editing all EduWeb pages, and several new Q&As were added to the FAQ page.
3.0 19 April 2002 The EduWeb program was not modified, but a new additions to the downloads page were provided.  New documentation for Windows users of the EduWeb structure has been developed to provide useful instructions for manually adding new students into the EduWeb structure, as well as some excellent "user guide"-type instructions for how to edit your EduWeb pages using FrontPage 2000.
3.0 19 March 2002 The EduWeb program was not modified, but an alternative version of the EduWeb Shortcut Creator was.  Some schools hide the Windows Desktop from their students, so the existing My Work shortcut never appears.  The alternative version places the shortcut in the My Documents folder.  Also some excellent documentation has been produced by one EduWeb user showing the steps for adding a new student to an existing EduWeb structure.  Both can be found on the Downloads page.
3.0 7 March 2002 The EduWeb program itself was not modified, but the EduWeb Shortcut Creator was.  Version 2 of the Shortcut Creator was released because a small bug in the first version stopped users from being able to select the first name on the list.  This has been corrected and it is also now possible to select names by double-clicking them as opposed to selecting the name then clicking OK.  Because the Shortcut Creator is embedded in the EduWeb complete download, it has also been made available as a separate download on the Downloads page for existing users.
3.0 3 February 2002 A major improvement for Windows schools with the inclusion of a new utility called the EduWeb Shortcut.  Previously, when students edited their webpage, they would have to navigate the EduWeb structure to insert links to files, images and documents.  With EW Shortcut, before they start to edit, they can choose their name from a list to create a Windows Shortcut on the Desktop to their EduWeb folder.  This makes finding their work much easier and can be used in all Microsoft programs including Word, Publisher and FrontPage.
2.3 11 January 2002 EduWeb now creates two empty folders called WORK and IMAGES in each student's folder.  Students can organise their work better in these folders.  Also added a new option to insert student and teacher evaluation fields into each student's topics pages. This will assist with schools wishing to use EduWeb as a digital portfolio tool.
2.22 1 January 2002 Corrected a minor bug when flawed data is imported. Also made other cosmetic changes to the program and updated this website.
2.21 15 October 2001 Cosmetic changes to EduWeb Setup program.
2.2 3 September 2001 Added a new option for the naming of folders.  It is now possible to have folders named according to class and student names which makes identifying folders easier than using generic names. Also traps errors where a large number of classes with very few students in each year occurs.  This is usually due to Vertical Roll Classes that are setup in OASIS.
2.11 31 August 2001 Corrected a problem where the Preview button would not display the preview of the templates selected at all.  This problem was not present on Windows 2000 PCs. Now the default browser is automatically started when Preview button is clicked on any Windows PC. Also fixed a minor colour problem.
2.1 27 August 2001 Added a Warning message on each class page to alert students to only edit their own page.  Added a choice of image location.  A single image folder for buttons and other graphics can be selected, or all images and graphics can be replicated across all web folders.
2.0 20 August 2001 Introduced four colour scheme templates and the choice of three new fonts.  A Preview function using the PCs default browser was included.  Added a new Teacher Page for each class page created.
1.0 13 August 2001 Original release

* Current version available using the Downloads link at left.

I am very interested in receiving your comments or suggestions for EduWeb - a product that I believe can truly make a difference in schools and go some way to justifying the large amounts of money and time being spent in schools on technology and infrastructure.  Please send your e-mail to me at stu_hasic@yahoo.com - click the Feedback button at left to see what other schools think about Stu's EduWeb!

Stu's EduWeb is designed and developed  by Stuart Hasic - stu_hasic@yahoo.com.  It is available free of charge for public schools in the state of New South Wales in Australia only.  Other schools interested in Stu's EduWeb should contact the developer directly. (c) 2001-2010 by Stuart Hasic